



我想删除标题“位于”末尾的句号。请不要碰 Bib 文件,除非得到明确的指示,否则我不太擅长。我对可以引用图像中描述的网站的任何内容都很感兴趣。如果可以从参考书目中的标题中删除日期,那将是一个额外的好处。这是我花了一周时间制作的 MWE。网站上有一个答案,但它太复杂了,我看不懂。

\documentclass[ a4paper,12pt]{article}
% !TeX program = xelatex
% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB



%% or
% \hypersetup{colorlinks=false,pdfborder=000}

% hack into hyperref


% stops indent of second line in Bibliograph


    %colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
    %urlcolor     = blue, %Colour for external hyperlinks
    %linkcolor    = blue, %Colour of internal links
    citecolor   = red, %Colour of citations

% This is needed for arial
\usepackage{fontspec}% this is needed for arial
\setmainfont{Arial} % this is need for arial


@article {MCOSW,
    author = "Hugh Glaser and Afraz Jafri and Ian Millard",
    title = "Managing co-reference on the semantic web",
    journal = "WWW2009 Workshop: Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2009)",
    month = "April",
    year = "2009",

    title = {A new look at the sacraments},
    author = {Bausch, W. {\relax J}},
    year = 1998,
    publisher = {Twenty Third Publications, Mystic, Connecticut},
    location = {Neverland and Wonderland}

    Author = "F Brennan",
    Title  = "\emph{What do our Students Rightly Ask of us, the Church Who Are Many Parts, One Body, \textnormal{ 13 August, 2004, located at}}"   ,

    Note   = " \ULurl{http://www.uniya.org/talks/brennan 13aug04.html},
    [Accessed: 9th December, 2023]",
    year = 1998,


    Just in case I need multiple authors \citep{MCOSW}.
    This is the correct citation \citep{SPgood}

    This is a citation from a  website \citep{Tho98w}



您确实应该避免编写一个 bib 文件,该文件假设字段将按特定顺序输出,例如这里以“位于”结尾的标题字段,并依赖 bibtex 在那里放置一些内容。如果您需要某些特殊文档,那么最好直接编写环境thebibliography,而根本不使用 bibtex。



    title  = "\emph{What do our Students Rightly Ask of us, the Church Who Are Many Parts, One Body, \textnormal{ 13 August, 2004, located at}}\eatdot"  



然后如果你重新生成 bib 文件并运行 bibtex 来生成 bbl 它将看起来像

\newblock \emph{What do our Students Rightly Ask of us, the Church Who Are Many
  Parts, One Body, \textnormal{ 13 August, 2004, located at}}\eatdot.

