数学显示模式,使其不会自动被括号括起来,并且 Overleaf 不会抱怨?(我认为忽略 Overleaf 的抱怨是不好的做法。)
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
The following would be perfect if the automatic parentheses enclosing the tag were removed:
\[J(2^m + l) = 2l + 1 \tag{for $m \geqq 0$ and $0 \leqq l < 2^m$}\]
The following output is good
\[J(2^m + l) = 2l + 1 \tag*{for $m \geqq 0$ and $0 \leqq l < 2^m$}\]
yet Overleaf complains about it; in particular, it introduces a red warning dot in the margin of the Code Editor, whose drop-down text reads:
unclosed open display math \[ found at $
unclosed open group { found at $
unexpected $ after open group {
unexpected $ after open display math \[
unexpected $ after open display math \[
unexpected $ after open display math \[
unexpected $ after open display math \[
Overleaf 拒绝完全合法的 LaTeX 构造,这可不是件好事。另一方面,您不应该在这种情况下滥用标签,因为条件是方程式的一部分,而标签不是。
无论如何,你可以让 Overleaf 保持安静,使用\ttag
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
The following would be perfect if the automatic parentheses enclosing the tag were removed:
J(2^m + l) = 2l + 1
\tag{for $m \geqq 0$ and $0 \leqq l < 2^m$}
The following output is good
J(2^m + l) = 2l + 1
\ttag{for $m \geqq 0$ and $0 \leqq l < 2^m$}
But this output is much better
J(2^m + l) = 2l + 1,
\qquad\text{for $m \geqq 0$ and $0 \leqq l < 2^m$}
as you can clearly see, because the conditions are part of the equation.
Overleaf 窗口没有显示红点。