将 A0 肖像尺寸海报转换为 A1 肖像尺寸海报

将 A0 肖像尺寸海报转换为 A1 肖像尺寸海报

有人能帮我转换吗海报改成“A1-Potrait”?我想要的只是一张与海报风格相同的 A1 尺寸海报。

    \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
    \tikzstyle{startstop} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, text width = 10cm, draw=black, fill=white]
    \tikzstyle{process} = [rectangle, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, text width = 6cm, draw=black, fill=white, text width = 10cm]
    \tikzstyle{arrow} = [ultra thick,->,>=stealth]
    \title{Poster Title  Poster Title Poster Title Poster Title Poster Title Poster Title Poster Title Poster Title}
    \title{Poster Title for Condensed Matter Physics / High Energy Physics / Computational Physics}
    \author{First Author \inst{1} \and Corresponding Author \inst{1}}
    \institute[shortinst]{\inst{1} Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur 
    \href{https://www.lipsum.com}{\textbf{https://www.lipsum.com}} \hfill
    \textbf{International Conference on Physics} \hfill
    \href{mailto:[email protected]}{\textbf{Email Id}}}



\begin{exampleblock}{Research objectives}

编辑[cfr]:以下是上述代码的更精简、更实用的版本,它不会使环境未完成、包含致命语法错误或依赖非标准文件。它可能反映也可能不反映 OP 的意图。如果没有,OP 可以对其进行编辑,使其在保持精简的同时实现这一点。



      \begin{exampleblock}{Research objectives}


我会直接编译 A0 格式的文件,然后创建一个小的 LaTeX 文件,比如reduceposter.pdf



\includepdf{bigposter}% use the proper file name


\includepdf将包含海报的 PDF 文件的名称作为参数。

