我尝试使用这里和奖励积分一起,但是它似乎不起作用,它只会打印 0 作为奖励积分。我该如何解决这个问题?
\usepackage{exsheets}[2015/11/18]% need v0.20
% define a new heading container which fetches the points of a question:
% define a variant of the `block' heading which uses the new container instead
% of the usual one for points:
join = { title[r,B]number[l,B](1ex,0pt) } ,
attach = {
main[l,vc]title[l,vc](0pt,0pt) ;
% setup exsheets to use the new heading:
headings = myblock ,
question/print=true ,
\item \addpoints{1}
Question 1
\item \addpoints{2}
Question 2
\item \addpoints{3}
Question II.1
\item \addpoints{4}
Quesion II.2
\begin{question}{+3} %% This doesn't work
Bonus Question
\totalpoints %% This works