


% Preamble
\ProvidesPackage{mypackage}[2024/01/01 MyPackage]

% Dependencies

% Package options
    firstcolor/.store in = \mypackage@firstcolor,
    firstcolor = blue,
    secondcolor/.store in = \mypackage@secondcolor,
    secondcolor = red,

% Definition of `\setcolors` here

% Definition of `\resetcolors` here

% Definition of `\printcolors` here

% Definition of `\newcolortheme` here

% End


  • \setcolors:更改firstcolorsecondcolor调用文档其余部分
  • \resetcolors:忘记 setcolors 所做的所有更改,恢复为包的原始选项
  • \printcolors:默认情况下使用当前全局firstcolorsecondcolor,但有一个可选参数可以用本地值覆盖全局值
  • \newcolortheme:提供创建颜色主题的可能性,以便为一对firstcolor和赋予特殊名称secondcolor


\usepackage[firstcolor = green, secondcolor = yellow]{mypackage}
\newcolortheme{mytheme}{firstcolor = brown, secondcolor = cyan}

\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow
\printcolors[secondcolor = blue]  % Will print green and blue
\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow

\setcolors{secondcolor = black}
\printcolors                      % Will print green and black
\printcolors[firstcolor = purple] % Will print purple and black
\printcolors                      % Will print green and black

\setcolors{firstcolor = red}
\printcolors                      % Will print red and black

\setcolors{firstcolor = orange, secondcolor = pink}
\printcolors                      % Will print orange and pink

\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow
\printcolors[mytheme]             % Will print brown and cyan
\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow

\printcolors                      % Will print brown and cyan      


问题 :如何定义\setcolors、、\resetcolors并实现这一点\printcolors\newcolortheme



% Preamble
\ProvidesPackage{mypackage}[2024/01/01 MyPackage]

% Dependencies

\pgfkeys{/mypackage/.is family}

  % storage
  first-color/.store in=\mypackage@firstcolor,
  second-color/.store in=\mypackage@secondcolor,
  % default value




  \mypackage@firstcolor{} and \mypackage@secondcolor{}\par%




\usepackage[first-color=green, second-color=yellow]{mypackage}

\newcolortheme{my theme}{first-color=brown, second-color=cyan}
% \setcolors{my theme/.style={first-color=brown, second-color=cyan}}

\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow
\printcolors[second-color=blue]   % Will print green and blue
\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow

\printcolors                      % Will print green and black
\printcolors[first-color=purple]  % Will print purple and black
\printcolors                      % Will print green and black

\printcolors                      % Will print red and black

\setcolors{first-color=orange, second-color=pink}
\printcolors                      % Will print orange and pink

\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow
\printcolors[my theme]            % Will print brown and cyan
\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow

\setcolors{my theme}
\printcolors                      % Will print brown and cyan      






这两个代码都使用了该expkv系列的软件包(免责声明:我是作者)。第一个expkv-cs在其核心中使用,这使得编写不需要组的代码变得相当简单(因为 key=value 处理程序不需要任何赋值,因此\printcolors宏纯粹通过扩展而不是赋值来工作——如果从此断言中免除对可选参数的解析)。第二个只是在每次调用时重置默认值(以相当高效的方式),并且\setcolors只更改用于设置回默认值的宏。

\ProvidesPackage{\@currname}[2024-01-24 adhoc test package]


% define keys as used for the package (we don't need the keys defined here
% otherwise)
     store   firstcolor  = \my@firstcolor
    ,initial firstcolor =  blue
    ,store   secondcolor = \my@secondcolor
    ,initial secondcolor = red

% parsing for an optional argument
% assign default values ('o: ' means expand value once)
     o: firstcolor  = \my@firstcolor
    ,o: secondcolor = \my@secondcolor
  {#1 and #2\par}
% just change the default values of the underlying ekvc-macro
% store the current values (package defaults), using \edef for expansion
        % control the expansion to only do a single step (most likely
        % unnecessary but we never know with arbitrary user input)
         firstcolor  = {\unexpanded\expandafter{\my@firstcolor}}
        ,secondcolor = {\unexpanded\expandafter{\my@secondcolor}}
% just define '#1' to be considered additional key=value input '#2' using
% ekvcSecondaryKeys.
  {\ekvcSecondaryKeys\@printcolors{nmeta #1 = {#2}}}

\ProvidesPackage{\@currname}[2024-01-24 adhoc test package]


     store   firstcolor  = \my@firstcolor
    ,initial firstcolor =  blue
    ,store   secondcolor = \my@secondcolor
    ,initial secondcolor = red

% common code used to save the current values of all keys that should be
% persistent.
% 'o: ' means expand the value once before passing it to the key's code.
     o: firstcolor  = \my@firstcolor
    ,o: secondcolor = \my@secondcolor

% \@resetcolors is used to store the package default values
% 'R: ' means expand the following macro once and use it as key=value input
\protected\ekvcompile\@resetcolors{my}{R: \my@storecolours@keys}
% \@setcolors is used to restore the currently valid colours on each call
    % bit of juggling to get the normal key=value parser, but also build a fast
    % list of finalised colours
      \ekvcompile\@setcolors{my}{R: \my@storecolours@keys}%
    % expansion trick to store the meaning of \@setcolors as valid inside this
    % group outside the group, without needing any global assignments
% just treat the key '#1' as additional key=value input containing '#2' (rather
% straight forward)

    % restore current default values
    % maybe set different values
    % use values
    \my@firstcolor\space and \my@secondcolor


\usepackage[firstcolor = green, secondcolor = yellow]{\jobname} % both work
% \usepackage[firstcolor = green, secondcolor = yellow]{\jobname2} % both work

\newcolortheme{mytheme}{firstcolor = brown, secondcolor = cyan}

\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow
\printcolors[secondcolor = blue]  % Will print green and blue
\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow

\setcolors{secondcolor = black}
\printcolors                      % Will print green and black
\printcolors[firstcolor = purple] % Will print purple and black
\printcolors                      % Will print green and black

\setcolors{firstcolor = red}
\printcolors                      % Will print red and black

\setcolors{firstcolor = orange, secondcolor = pink}
\printcolors                      % Will print orange and pink

\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow
\printcolors[mytheme]             % Will print brown and cyan
\printcolors                      % Will print green and yellow

\printcolors                      % Will print brown and cyan      


