我使用 booktabs 包在 LaTeX 中创建了一个表格,但编译时超出了页边距。该表格使用多列。我需要保持内容的可读性,同时确保它适合标准页边距。我该如何调整表格或文档布局以防止溢出?“
这是复制该问题的 MWE。
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\caption{CIPS Panel Unit Root Tests}
& \multicolumn {2}{c}{Intercept} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{Intercept +\ Trend }&
\multicolumn {2}{c}{Intercept +\ First Difference } \\
ln nonresource FDI & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln population & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln human capital & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln GDP per capita $(t = 1)$ & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln GDP surrounding market potential & -1.86**& 0.92 &
-16.23*** & 0.098***\\
Government share of GDP \times 100 & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** & 0.098***\\
ln hydrocarbon resource rents (t \times 1) & -1.86** & 0.92 & -16.23*** & 0.098***\\
ln nonresource FDI (i \times 1) & -1.86** & 0.92 & -16.23*** & 0.098***\\
{H0: All series are nonstationary. The statistics are the standardized version of the $CIPS_(p)$ statistic for an unbalanced panel. The $CIPS_(p)$ statistic is the cross-section average of the cross sectionally augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic $(CADF_{i}(p)))$. Following Pesaran (2007), extreme t values are truncated to avoid any undue influence of extreme outcomes, because t is small (10–20). *$p<0.1$, **$p<0.05$, ***$p<0.01$. For the first difference of ln population, we also reject the null if we restrict the sample to a balanced panel.}}
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\caption{CIPS Panel Unit Root Tests}
& \multicolumn {2}{c}{Intercept} & \multicolumn {2}{c}{Intercept +\ Trend }&
\multicolumn {2}{c}{Intercept +\ First Difference } \\
ln nonresource FDI & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln population & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln human capital & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln GDP per capita $(t = 1)$ & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** &
ln GDP surrounding market potential & -1.86**& 0.92 &
-16.23*** & 0.098***\\
Government share of GDP $\times$ 100 & -1.86**& 0.92 & -16.23*** & 0.098***\\
ln hydrocarbon resource rents (t $\times$ 1) & -1.86** & 0.92 & -16.23*** & 0.098***\\
ln nonresource FDI (i $\times$ 1) & -1.86** & 0.92 & -16.23*** & 0.098***\\
\item H0: All series are nonstationary. The statistics are the standardized version of the $CIPS_(p)$ statistic for an unbalanced panel. The $CIPS_(p)$ statistic is the cross-section average of the cross sectionally augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic $(CADF_{i}(p)))$. Following Pesaran (2007), extreme t values are truncated to avoid any undue influence of extreme outcomes, because t is small (10–20). *$p<0.1$, **$p<0.05$, ***$p<0.01$. For the first difference of ln population, we also reject the null if we restrict the sample to a balanced panel.