我希望如果标签与我的任何边缘相交,则标签位于边缘上方。我也在使用 Overleaf。我尝试将标签填充为白色,但它不会删除所有交叉点。
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images
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\title{Angluin Description with Examples and Illustrations}
\author{Coping Forever}
\date{January 2024}
node distance=2cm,
every initial by arrow/.style={text=white,->},
line width=1pt,
mylabel/.style={font=\bfseries, inner sep=2pt, rectangle, draw=black,fill=white}
\node[state, initial, initial where=right, initial text={}] (s0) at (4.00, 0.00) {$s_0$};
\node[state,accepting] (s1) at (2.00, 3.46) {$s_1$};
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\node[state] (s3) at (-4.00, 0.00) {$s_3$};
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\node[state] (s5) at (2.00, -3.46) {$s_5$};
\path[arrows = {-Latex[line width=3pt, length=10pt]}] (s0) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s1);
\path[->] (s0) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s3);
\path[->] (s1) edge[loop above] node [mylabel] {0} ();
\path[->] (s1) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s3);
\path[->] (s2) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s5);
\path[->] (s2) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s1);
\path[->] (s3) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s2);
\path[->] (s3) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s4);
\path[->] (s4) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s3);
\path[->] (s4) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s2);
\path[->] (s5) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s4);
\path[->] (s5) edge[loop above] node [mylabel] {1} ();
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\tl_replace_once:Nnn \tikz@fig@continue { \setbox } { \tikz@setbox@which }
\tikzset{node on layer/.code={%
{\csname pgf@layerbox@#1\endcsname}%
mylabel/.style={font=\bfseries, inner sep=2pt, draw, fill=white, node on layer=foreground},
\node[state, initial, initial where=right, initial text={}] (s0) at (4.00, 0.00) {$s_0$};
\node[state, accepting] (s1) at (2.00, 3.46) {$s_1$};
\node[state] (s2) at (-2.00, 3.46) {$s_2$};
\node[state] (s3) at (-4.00, 0.00) {$s_3$};
\node[state] (s4) at (-2.00, -3.46) {$s_4$};
\node[state] (s5) at (2.00, -3.46) {$s_5$};
\path[arrows = {-Latex[line width=3pt, length=10pt]}] (s0) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s1);
\path[->] (s0) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s3);
\path[->] (s1) edge[loop above] node [mylabel] {0} ();
\path[->] (s1) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s3);
\path[->] (s2) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s5);
\path[->] (s2) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s1);
\path[->] (s3) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s2);
\path[->] (s3) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s4);
\path[->] (s4) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s3);
\path[->] (s4) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {1} (s2);
\path[->] (s5) edge[bend right] node [mylabel] {0} (s4);
\path[->] (s5) edge[loop above] node [mylabel] {1} ();