

我正在编写一个 LaTeX 文档,其中我将数学语句环境格式化为以下代码。

        \begin{theorem}[My Theorem]
            %\setmainfont{*Actually I would like write the theorem into a particular upright font: e.g. Foothlight MT Regular, Cormorant Garamont, gfsartemisia, etc...*}
            This is a Theorem formatted in my personal style.

因此,为了使该过程自动化,我尝试使用命令 \newtheoremstyle 和 \theoremstyle,但我无法指示 \leftskip 和 \rightskip 的值,也无法指示文本必须进入新行而不是进入标题的新行。



按照我尝试使用 \newtheoremstyle 的方式:我指出文本实际上是进入新行,但标题和文本之间的空间确实很大!

\newtheoremstyle{enunciato}% The name used to refer to the new style
  {\topsep}% The vertical space above the head list, a rubber lenght (default \topsep)
  {\topsep}% The vertical space below the head list, a rubber lenght (default \topsep)
  {%A declaration of the font and other aspects of the style to use for the text in the body of the list (default \normalfont)
                                Path = Fonts/CormorantGaramont/ ,
                                Extension = .ttf ,
                                UprightFont = CormorantGaramond-Italic
  }% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
  { }% The extra indentation of the first line of the list, a non-rubber lenght (default is no extra indent)
  {%A declaration of the font and other aspects of the style to use for the text in the head of the list (default \normalfont)
                                Path = Fonts/CormorantGaramont/ ,
                                Extension = .ttf ,
                                UprightFont = CormorantGaramond-Bold
                              ]}% name of head font
  { }% The text (typically punctuation) to be inserted after the head text, including any note text.
  {\newline}% The horizontal space to be inserted after the head text and "punctuation", a rubber lenght. It cannot be completely empty. As two very specital cases it can contain either a single space charactere to indicate jus a normal interword space is required or, more suprisingly, just the command \newline to indicate that a new line should be started for the body of the list.
  { }% A non-empty value for this aargument enables a complete specification of the setting of the bead itself to be supplied; an empty value means that the layout of the "plain" theorem style is used. See below for further details.







%%% the needed changes https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/67251/4427





\begin{theorem}[My Theorem]
This is a Theorem formatted in my personal style.







%%% the needed changes
  \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax




\begin{theorem}[My Theorem]
This is a Theorem formatted in my personal style.







