LaTeX 表格格式,适合 A4 页面阅读

LaTeX 表格格式,适合 A4 页面阅读

我希望在 A4 大小的单页文档中包含一个表格,以确保文本仍然可读。我尝试使用 \scalebox,但结果文本变得太小,并改变了框的宽度和高度。由于我对 LaTeX 还比较陌生,我发现自己有点困惑,如果您能就如何实现这一点提供任何建议或指导,我将不胜感激。谢谢!

\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{0pt}}  llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll} 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
\textbf{Monetary Policy} \\
1) Monetary Authority  Loans Through the Asset Backed Commercial Paper Money \\  Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility  AMLF  and Money Market Mutual Fund \\ Liquidity Facility  MMLF   Asset  Level Lag 1 \\ 
2) Monetary Authority  Depository Institution Loans N E C  to Other Financial Business \\ Commercial Paper Funding Facility LLC   Asset  Transactions Lag 1 \\

\textbf{International Finance - Government} \\
1) Rest of the World  U S  Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions and \\ Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF  Liability  Revaluation Lag 0 \\ 
2) Rest of the World  Other U S  Reserve Assets  Other Claims  Liability  Transactions Lag 0 \\ 
3) Rest of the World  U S  Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions and \\ Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF  Liability  Revaluation Lag 1 \\ 
4) Rest of the World  U S  Government Loans Excluding Capital Subscriptions and \\ Contributions to International Financial Institutions and the IMF  Liability  Revaluation Lag 4 \\ 
5) Rest of the World  Other U S  Reserve Assets  Other Claims  Liability  Revaluation Lag 0 \\ 

\textbf{Domestic Finance - Private} \\ 
1) Government Sponsored Enterprises  Equity Capital of Farm Credit System  Transactions Lag 3 \\ 
2) Pension Funds  Corporate Equities  Asset  Transactions Lag 2 \\ 
3) Security Brokers and Dealers  Payables to Customer and Rest of the World \\ Noncustomers  Free Credit  Margin Deposits  and Other Payables   Liability  \\ Transactions Lag 4 \\ 
4) Government Sponsored Enterprises  Corporate Equities Held by Freddie Mac  Asset \\  Level Lag 0 \\ 
5) Private Depository Institutions  Total Time and Savings Deposits  Liability  \\ Transactions Lag 1 \\ 
6) Nonprofit Organizations  Municipal Securities  Sum of Holders   Liability  FWTW   \\ Transactions Lag 4 \\ 
7) Other Financial Corporations and Insurance Companies and Pension Funds  Net \\ Claims on Nonfinancial Businesses and Households and Nonprofit Organizations  \\ Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 4 \\ 

\textbf{Recession} \\
1) Government Sponsored Enterprises  Equity Capital of Farm Credit System  Transactions Lag 4 \\ 
2) NBER based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Period following \\ the Peak through the Trough Lag 2 \\ 
3) NBER based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak through the \\ Period preceding the Trough Lag 3 \\ 
4) OECD based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak through the \\ Trough Lag 2 \\ 
5) OECD based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Peak through the Trough 1 Lag 2 \\ 

\textbf{Unemployment and Wages} \\
1) Employment Level   Agriculture and Related Industries  Wage and Salary Workers Lag 1 \\ 
2) Unemployment Rate   Nonagriculture  Private Wage and Salary Workers Lag 3 \\ 

\textbf{Domestic Finance - Government} \\
1) State and Local Government Employee Defined Benefit Retirement Funds  Total Time \\ and Savings Deposits  Asset  Transactions Lag 0 \\ 
2) State and Local Government Employee Defined Benefit Retirement Funds  Total Time \\ and Savings Deposits  Asset  Transactions Lag 1 \\ 
3) Total Consumer Credit Owned by Depository Institutions  Flow Lag 1 \\ 
4) Domestic Financial Sectors  Net Saving Including Foreign Earnings Retained Abroad \\ and CCAdj Less Net Capital Transfers Paid  Other Than for Financial Stabilization \\ Program   Transactions Lag 1 \\ 
5) General Government  Other Accounts Payable Including SDR Allocations  Liability  \\ IMA   Revaluation Lag 4 \\ 
6) State and Local Governments  Foreign Bonds  Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 2 \\ 
7) Domestic Financial Sectors  Net Saving Including Foreign Earnings Retained Abroad \\ and CCAdj Less Net Capital Transfers Paid  Other Than for Financial Stabilization \\ Program   Transactions Lag 2 \\ 

\textbf{International Finance - Private} \\
1) Households and Nonprofit Organizations  Commercial and Multifamily Residential \\ Mortgages  Asset  Transactions Lag 1 \\ 
2) Rest of the World  Corporate Bonds Issued by Netherlands Antillean Financial \\ Subsidiaries of U S  Corporations  Asset  Revaluation Lag 4 \\ 
3) Households and Nonprofit Organizations  Commercial and Multifamily Residential \\ Mortgages  Asset  Transactions Lag 2 \\ 
4) Pension Funds  Security Repurchase Agreements Issued by the Rest of the World  \\ Asset  FWTW   Revaluation Lag 4 \\ 
5) Domestic Financial Sectors  Insurance  Pension and Standardized Guarantee Schemes  \\ Asset  IMA   Revaluation Lag 4 \\ 
6) Rest of the World  Debt Securities and Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Issued \\ by Financial Corporations  Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 1 \\ 
7) Private Pension Funds  Security Repurchase Agreements  Asset  Transactions Lag 3 \\ 
8) Private Pension Funds  Security Repurchase Agreements  Asset  Transactions Lag 2 \\ 
9) Holding Companies  Security Repurchase Agreements Issued by the Rest of the World \\  Asset  FWTW   Transactions Lag 0 \\ 
10) Rest of the World  Corporate Bonds Issued by Netherlands Antillean Financial \\ Subsidiaries of U S  Corporations  Asset  Transactions Lag 0 \\ 

\textbf{Housing and Mortgages} \\
1) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by RTC  Asset \\ Level Lag 1 \\ 
2) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages  Asset  Transactions \\ Lag 4 \\ 
3) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by Public Housing \\ Administration  PHA   Asset  Transactions Lag 4 \\ 
4) Federal Government  One to Four Family Residential Mortgages Held by RTC  Asset \\ Level Lag 3 \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
\caption{Selected economic variables by SCAD regression} 


{...}之后的是\begin{tabular}列规范:它告诉 lateX 你的表格中会出现哪些列。 l表示左调整的列,没有换行符。你声称有 42 个这样的列,但你只使用了 1 列。这看起来很奇怪,但并不会导致问题。问题是不允许l换行,因此你必须引入所有这些任意的\\换行符。相反,你可以使用p{\linewidth}表示列是页面的宽度,TeX 会自动找出换行符。但如果只有一列,它实际上不是表格,你不应该使用 tabular(\begin{table}如果你想称它为表格,你仍然可以使用,但不要使用 tabular)。但我们会介绍一些列。

正如您所注意到的,\adjustbox\scalebox会破坏您的字体大小和纵横比,因此应避免使用。我还将 改为[!htpb][p]因为表格太大了,这确实是唯一的可能性。

设计表格的一般思路是,如果重复信息,则应尝试将其移至更好的位置。本例中最大的问题是,每行都以“滞后 #”结尾,这表明“滞后”应该是一个新的列。第一列现在可以更改为 类型Xtabularx这意味着滞后列的大小将与其最宽的项目相匹配,而该X列将占据剩余的宽度。



完成所有这些操作(以及一些过度缩写)后,我\tiny最多可以更改\footnotesize,并且表 1 可以放在一张 A4 纸上,并且具有几何的默认边距(您真的应该告诉我们您的边距是多少)。如果我是您,我想我会停在那里,并撤消我的一些缩写。

我们可以做一个少量通过将类别移至新列,并将一些tabularx非常重复的“经济衰退”和“抵押贷款”条目(以及荷属安的列斯条目)嵌套起来,效果会更好。这样可以节省一两行,这样我们就可以得到\small表 2。


  • 我重新排列了几个类别,将相似的变量移动到彼此旁边。
  • 您大写的单词太多了。我把大部分都撤消了。
  • -表示连字符。如果要使用破折号,则应使用-----表示数字范围。
  • 我已经介绍过booktabs它及其规则。
  • 通常的建议是表格的标题应该放在上面,图形的标题应该放在下面。


\caption{Selected economic variables by SCAD regression} 
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} X c @{} } \toprule
\textbf{Monetary Policy} --- Monetary Authority & Lag \\
Loans through the asset backed commercial paper money market mutual fund liquidity facility  AMLF \& MMLF   asset  level & 1 \\ 
Depository inst loans NEC to other fin business commercial paper funding facility LLC asset txns & 1 \\\midrule
\textbf{International Finance --- Govt} --- Non-US \\
US govt loans excl capital subscriptions \& contributions to international fin insts \& the IMF  liability  reval & 0,1,4 \\ 
Other US  reserve assets  other claims  liability  txns & 0 \\ 
Other US  reserve assets  other claims  liability  reval & 0 \\ \midrule
\textbf{Domestic Finance --- Private} \\ 
Govt sponsored enterprises  equity capital of farm credit system  txns & 3 \\ 
Govt sponsored enterprises  corporate equities held by Freddie Mac  asset level & 0 \\ 
Pension funds  corporate equities  asset  txns & 2 \\ 
Security brokers \& dealers  payables to customer \& non-US noncustomers  free credit  margin deposits  \& other payables   liability  txns & 4 \\ 
Private depository insts  total time \& savings deposits  liability  txns & 1 \\ 
Nonprofit orgs  municipal securities  sum of holders   liability  FWTW   txns & 4 \\ 
Other fin corps \& insurance comps \& pension funds  net claims on nonfin businesses \& households \& nonprofit orgs  asset  FWTW   txns & 4 \\ \midrule
\textbf{Recession} \\
Govt sponsored enterprises  equity capital of farm credit system  txns & 4 \\
NBER based recession indicators for the US from the period following the peak through the trough & 2 \\ 
NBER based recession indicators for the US from the peak through the period preceding the trough & 3 \\ 
OECD based recession indicators for the US from the peak through the trough & 2 \\ 
OECD based recession indicators for the US from the peak through the trough 1 & 2 \\ \midrule
\textbf{Unemployment \& Wages} \\
Employment level   ag \& related industries  wage \& salary workers & 1 \\ 
Unemployment rate   nonag  private wage \& salary workers & 3 \\ \midrule
\textbf{Domestic Finance --- Govt} \\
State \& local govt employee defined ben rtrmnt funds  total time \& savings deposits  asset  txns & 0,1 \\ 
Total consumer credit owned by depository insts  flow & 1 \\ 
Gen govt  other accounts payable incl SDR allocations  liability  IMA   reval & 4 \\ 
State \& local govts  foreign bonds  asset  FWTW   txns & 2 \\ 
Domestic fin sectors  net saving incl foreign earnings retained abroad \& CCAdj less net capital txfrs paid  other than for fin stabilization program   txns & 1,2 \\ \midrule
\textbf{International Finance --- Private} \\
Households \& nonprofit orgs  commercial \& multifam res mortgages  asset  txns & 1,2 \\ 
Non-US  corporate bonds issued by Netherlands Antillean fin subsidiaries of US  corps  asset  reval & 4 \\ 
Pension funds  security repurchase agreements issued by the non-US  asset  FWTW   reval & 4 \\ 
Domestic fin sectors  insurance  pension \& standardized guarantee schemes asset  IMA   reval & 4 \\ 
Non-US  debt securities \& negotiable certificates of deposit issued by fin corps  asset  FWTW   txns & 1 \\ 
Private pension funds security repurchase agreements  asset  txns & 3,2 \\ 
Holding comps  security repurchase agreements issued by the non-US asset  FWTW   txns & 0 \\ 
Non-US  corporate bonds issued by Netherlands Antillean fin subsidiaries of US  corps  asset  txns & 0 \\ \midrule
\textbf{Housing \& Mortgages} --- Fed Govt 1--4 Fam Res Mortgages \\
Asset  txns & 4 \\ 
Held by public housing admin  PHA   asset  txns & 4 \\ 
Held by RTC  asset level & 1,3 \\ \bottomrule

\caption{Selected economic variables by SCAD regression} 
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} p{\firstcolwidth} X c @{} } \toprule
Category & Variable & Lag \\\midrule
\multirow[t]{2}{\firstcolwidth}{Monetary Policy --- Monetary Authority}
& Loans through the asset backed commercial paper money market mutual fund liquidity facility  AMLF \& MMLF   asset  level & 1 \\ 
& Depository inst loans NEC  to other fin business commercial paper funding facility LLC   asset  txns & 1 \\\midrule
\multirow[t]{4}{\firstcolwidth}{International Finance --- Govt --- Non-US}
& US govt loans excl capital subscriptions \& contributions to international fin insts \& the IMF  liability  reval & 0,1,4 \\ 
& Other US  reserve assets  other claims  liability  txns & 0 \\ 
& Other US  reserve assets  other claims  liability  reval & 0 \\ \midrule
\multirow[t]{7}{\firstcolwidth}{Domestic Finance --- Private}
& Govt sponsored enterprises  equity capital of farm credit system  txns & 3 \\ 
& Govt sponsored enterprises  corporate equities held by Freddie Mac  asset level & 0 \\ 
& Nonprofit orgs  municipal securities  sum of holders   liability  FWTW   txns & 4 \\ 
& Pension funds  corporate equities  asset  txns & 2 \\ 
& Private depository insts  total time \& savings deposits  liability  txns & 1 \\ 
& Security brokers \& dealers  payables to customer \& non-US noncustomers  free credit  margin deposits  \& other payables   liability  txns & 4 \\ 
& Other fin corps \& insurance comps \& pension funds  net claims on nonfin businesses \& households \& nonprofit orgs  asset  FWTW   txns & 4 \\ \midrule
& Govt sponsored enterprises  equity capital of farm credit system  txns & 4 \\ 
& \multirow{4}{*}{%
 {\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{} p{3cm} X }
  \multirow[t]{4}{3cm}{Recession indicators for the US ...}
  & NBER, post peak through trough \\
  & NBER, peak through pre trough \\
  & OECD, peak through trough \\
  & OECD, peak through trough 1 \\
& 2 \\ & & 3 \\ & & 2 \\ & & 2 \\\midrule
\multirow[t]{2}{\firstcolwidth}{Unemployment \& Wages}
& Employment level ag \& related industries  wage \& salary workers & 1 \\ 
& Unemployment rate nonag  private wage \& salary workers & 3 \\ \midrule
\multirow[t]{6}{\firstcolwidth}{Domestic Finance --- Govt}
& State \& local govt employee defined ben rtrmnt funds  total time \& savings deposits  asset  txns & 0,1 \\ 
& State \& local govts  foreign bonds  asset  FWTW   txns & 2 \\ 
& Total consumer credit owned by depository insts  flow & 1 \\ 
& Gen govt  other accounts payable incl SDR allocations  liability  IMA   reval & 4 \\ 
& Domestic fin sectors  net saving incl foreign earnings retained abroad \& CCAdj less net capital txfrs paid  other than for fin stabilization program   txns & 1,2 \\ \midrule
\multirow[t]{9}{\firstcolwidth}{International Finance --- Private}
& Households \& nonprofit orgs  commercial \& multifam res mortgages  asset  txns & 1,2 \\ 
& Non-US  debt securities \& negotiable certificates of deposit issued by fin corps  asset  FWTW   txns & 1 \\ 
& Domestic fin sectors  insurance  pension \& standardized guarantee schemes asset  IMA   reval & 4 \\ 
& Holding comps  security repurchase agreements issued by the non-US asset  FWTW   txns & 0 \\ 
& Pension funds  security repurchase agreements issued by the non-US  asset  FWTW   reval & 4 \\ 
& Private pension funds security repurchase agreements  asset  txns & 3,2 \\ 
& \multirow{2}{*}{{%
 \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{} X l }
  \multirow{2}{\linewidth}{Non-US  corporate bonds issued by Netherlands Antillean fin subsidiaries of US  corps  asset ...}
  & reval \\ & txns
& 4 \\ & & 0 \\
\multirow[t]{3}{\firstcolwidth}{Housing \& Mortgages}
& \multirow{3}{*}{%
{\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{} p{2.8cm} X }
 \multirow[t]{3}{\linewidth}{Fed Govt 1--4 Fam Res Mortgages}
& Asset  txns \\ 
& Held by public housing admin  PHA   asset  txns \\ 
& Held by RTC  asset level
\end{tabularx} }}
& 4 \\ & & 4 \\ & & 1,3 \\ \bottomrule

表 1 输出

表 2 输出
