如果我有 2 个宏,一个在另一个里面,而最上面的宏有更多的参数,我希望能够将最上面的宏的键设置为底部宏的扩展,类似于此(不起作用):
a/.store in = \a,
b/.store in = \b,
a = a,
b = b,
\pgfkeys{/phili/testA/.cd, #1}
c/.store in = \c,
c = c,
a/.store in = \a,
b/.store in = \b,
a = a,
b = b,
a/.store in = \a,
b/.store in = \b,
c/.store in = \c,
a = a,
b = b,
c = c,
\pgfkeys{/phili/testA/.cd, #1}
\pgfkeys{/phili/testB/.cd, #1}
\testMacroA[a = a, b = b] % If I use `\a` and `\b`, it gets stuck
% I think it works if I just use `\testMacroA`, without arguments
\testMacroA[a = 1, b = 2]
\testMacroB[a = 1, b = 2, c = 3]
和已经在 LaTeX 2ε 内核中定义。因此我们改用、和。)\b
您可以使用 key-handler使为 key-path 定义/phili/testA
但未为 key-path 定义的键/phili/testB
也可通过 key-path 使用:/phili/testB
.search also
(pgfkeys 是 TikZ/PGF 包的一部分,可以在综合 TeX 档案网络 (CTAN)- 手册位于http://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf. pgfkeys 在“第 VII 部分实用程序”的“87 密钥管理”一章中进行了描述。.search also
在“87.4.7 转发处理程序”一节中进行了记录。)
a/.store in = \MyA,
b/.store in = \MyB,
/phili/testB/.search also={/phili/testA},
c/.store in = \MyC,
% Define generic defaults:
a = a,
b = b,
c = c,
\pgfkeys{/phili/testB/.cd, #1}%
% As \pgfkeys just (re)defined the macros \a, \b and \c
% now run \testMacroA without in its optional argument
% specifying those keys that (re)define one of those macros;
% be aware that the things done by \testMacroA are done within
% an extra group:
\testMacroA[a = 1, b = 2]
\testMacroB[a = 1, b = 2, c = 3]
% This yiels an error as the key `c` is not defined
% in the path `/phili/testA`:
% \testMacroA[a = 1, b = 2, c = 3]
a/.store in = \MyA,
b/.store in = \MyB,
/phili/testB/.search also={/phili/testA},
c/.store in = \MyC,
% Define generic defaults:
a = (GenericDefaultA),
b = (GenericDefaultB),
c = (GenericDefaultC),
\pgfkeys{/phili/testA/.cd, a=(testMacroADefaultA), b=(testMacroADefaultB), #1}%
\pgfkeys{/phili/testB/.cd, a=(testMacroBDefaultA), b=(testMacroBDefaultB), c=(testMacroBDefaultC), #1}%
% Providing an optional argument with \testMacroA is needed for overriding
% \testMacroA's defaults with what is specified with \testMacroB - be that
% \testMacroB's defaults or s.th. that comes from providing an optional
% argument with the call to \testMacroB; also some expansion-trickery
% is needed:
\unexpanded{\testMacroA}[{a={\unexpanded\expandafter{\MyA}}, b={\unexpanded\expandafter{\MyB}}}]%
\testMacroA[a = 1]
\testMacroA[b = 2]
\testMacroA[a = 1, b = 2]
\testMacroB[a = 1]
\testMacroB[b = 2]
\testMacroB[c = 3]
\testMacroB[a = 1, b = 2]
\testMacroB[a = 1, c = 3]
\testMacroB[b = 2, c = 3]
\testMacroB[a = 1, b = 2, c = 3]
% This yiels an error as the key `c` is not defined
% in the path `/phili/testA`:
% \testMacroA[a = 1, b = 2, c = 3]