使用 lualatex-dev 创建带标签的 PDF(Adobe Acrobat 专业错误)

使用 lualatex-dev 创建带标签的 PDF(Adobe Acrobat 专业错误)

下面的LaTeX代码编译时没有任何错误并且创建了 Tagged-PDF。

LaTeX 内核版本为:LaTeX2e <2024-06-01> pre-release-0 (develop 2024-2-15 branch) and L3 programming layer <2024-01-22>

TagPDF 版本为:2024-02-04 v0.98v

Lua 和 MikTeX 是:This is LuaHBTeX, Version 1.17.1 (MiKTeX 24.1)

我的 MWE 是:


\usepackage[pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W 0},bookmarksnumbered,bookmarksopen=true,colorlinks,%
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\hypersetup{pdftitle=Chapter Title Here,pdfdisplaydoctitle}

\title{Chapter Title Here}



In total, 37.7{\%} of respondents (49.4{\%}. This study's objective was to
remove barriers to employment for PwCD through inclusive design of
technology supports in warehouses and similar settings.
Specifically, a nonlinear context-aware prompting system (NCAPS) was
developed, iteratively refined, and tested.

\caption{Distribution of Participant Characteristics}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Participant}} & \textbf{Age} & \textbf{Gender} & \textbf{Diagnosis}\\
\textbf{P01} & 28 & F & Cerebral Palsy\\
\textbf{P02} & 25 & M & Autism Spectrum Disorder\\
\textbf{P03} & --- & M & Autism Spectrum Disorder\\
\textbf{P04} & 38 & F & IDD (unspecified)\\
\textbf{P05} & 25 & M & Cerebral Palsy\\
\textbf{P06} & 23 & M & Down Syndrome\\
\textbf{P07} & 19 & M & IDD (unspecified)\\

In a pilot crossover
study, subjects with cognitive disabilities participated in
simulated work sessions, picking orders in a small warehouse
environment using the NCAPS and industry-standard paper tickets.
Their performance was assessed in terms of errors and productivity,
and their insights and perspectives were gathered. The resulting
NCAPS prevented or corrected all errors for all but one participant.
It also increased productivity for participants with the poorest
baseline (paper ticket) performance, but decreased productivity for
those with high baseline performance. 
%\includegraphics[alt={Figure Caption}]{graph18.png}
\caption{Structure of NCAPS implementation.}


Adobe Accessibility Checker显示Failed(maketitle、Table 和 Label)。

我检查过可访问性脚注错误(需要 bug 来发送 adobe)。





首先:不要相信每一条失败消息。验证器有错误,有时会抱怨文档完全没问题。我建议使用 verapdf 作为验证器(https://dev.verapdf-rest.duallab.com)。在我看来,它是目前最可靠和最新的验证器,如果它有错误,这些错误通常会很快得到修复。

  1. 为了更好地标记,\maketitle您需要新的标题模块,该模块刚刚(昨天)在最新的 latex-dev 中发布。如果您有该模块,您可以使用它 testphase={phase-III,table,title},然后必须用 进行编译lualatex-dev

  2. Lbl 错误是由于 acrobat 验证器出现故障。它抱怨 Lbl 在列表之外使用。请参阅https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/703383/2388。我们可能会重命名标签以解决此 Acrobat 错误,但这需要一些时间,也许在下一个版本中。

  3. 我没有在表格中收到错误,只有一个警告,因为 Acrobat 检查(可选)摘要属性是否存在:


    目前不支持这样的摘要。它有什么用处(如果有的话)以及它应该包含什么内容还不太清楚。PDF 规范非常模糊,我非常怀疑是否有某个工具需要它。


  1. 在 verapdf 检查器中,该文档(带有标题模块)顺利通过:


  1. 在 PAC 2024(https://pac.pdf-accessibility.org/en) 它在表上失败。这个失败也是错误的:PAC 2024 似乎无法处理属性类。
