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\chapter{Chapter Title Here}
In total, 37.7{\%} of respondents (49.4{\%}. This study's objective was to
remove barriers to employment for PwCD through inclusive design of
technology supports in warehouses and similar settings.
Specifically, a nonlinear context-aware prompting system (NCAPS) was
developed, iteratively refined, and tested.
\caption{Distribution of Participant Characteristics}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Participant}} & \textbf{Age} & \textbf{Gender} & \textbf{Diagnosis}\\
\textbf{P01} & 28 & F & Cerebral Palsy\\
\textbf{P02} & 25 & M & Autism Spectrum Disorder\\
\textbf{P03} & --- & M & Autism Spectrum Disorder\\
\textbf{P04} & 38 & F & IDD (unspecified)\\
\textbf{P05} & 25 & M & Cerebral Palsy\\
\textbf{P06} & 23 & M & Down Syndrome\\
\textbf{P07} & 19 & M & IDD (unspecified)\\
In a pilot crossover
study, subjects with cognitive disabilities participated in
simulated work sessions, picking orders in a small warehouse
environment using the NCAPS and industry-standard paper tickets.
Their performance was assessed in terms of errors and productivity,
and their insights and perspectives were gathered. The resulting
NCAPS prevented or corrected all errors for all but one participant.
It also increased productivity for participants with the poorest
baseline (paper ticket) performance, but decreased productivity for
those with high baseline performance.
%\includegraphics[alt={Figure 1}]{image.png}
\caption{Structure of NCAPS implementation.}
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:hyperxmp 不兼容。标记代码将抑制它,因此其命令和设置将被忽略。uncompress
:这只需要调试并且可以使 pdf 变得更大。下一个 LaTeX-dev(今天发布)将包含对
各种错误修复的支持。因此,我建议使用 lualatex-dev 进行编译(我不知道 miktex 什么时候会得到它,在 texlive 中应该会在一两天内)。新的标题模块还将把标题文本设置为窗口标题,但在此之前,您应该对 UA-1 使用 hyperref 选项