Citeauthor 影响参考文献列表的排序

Citeauthor 影响参考文献列表的排序

我使用 \citeauthor 命令来点名某人(C. Cuthor),因为他们为某个理论或模型命名。点名之后,我想引用其他人的作品(A. Author 和 B. Buthor),然后再正确引用 C. Cuthor 的作品。

这将使不同作品的参考列表和标签未分类,如 MWE 的屏幕截图所示。

有没有办法让 \citeauthor 不计入 biblatex 的排序算法,以便将 C. Cuthor 列为第三个参考条目?



  author  = {Author, A.},
  title   = {The Importance of BibTeX in LaTeX Documents},
  journal = {Journal of LaTeX},
  volume  = {10},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {100-120},
  year    = {2020},
  author  = {Buthor, B.},
  title   = {Advanced Techniques in LaTeX Typesetting},
  journal = {TeX Journal},
  volume  = {5},
  number  = {4},
  pages   = {300-310},
  year    = {2018},
  author  = {Cuthor, C.},
  title   = {Introduction to LaTeX: A Beginner's Guide},
  journal = {LaTeX Gazette},
  volume  = {3},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {50-60},
  year    = {2015},

\usepackage[style=phys, biblabel=brackets, sorting=none]{biblatex}



I'm here going to discuss the model by \citeauthor{Cuthor2015}.
It was based on earlier works~\cite{Author2020,Buthor2018}.
\citeauthor{Cuthor2015} completed the work~\cite{Cuthor2015}.


