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使用表格模块创建带标签的 PDF——错误

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笔记:table body

\arrayrulecolor{green}\hline %%%% 正在运行

{\arrayrulecolor{green}\hline} %%%% 分组时不起作用




\usepackage[pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W 0},bookmarksnumbered,bookmarksopen=true,colorlinks,    linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue,linktoc=none, pdfview={XYZ null null 1.00}]{hyperref}

\hypersetup{pdftitle=Article Title,pdfdisplaydoctitle}

\title[Helping or Hindering]{Helping or Hindering: Inclusive Design of Automated Task Prompting}

\author{{GAVIN R.} {PHILIPS}}


Of the $\sim$8.8 million working-age adults with cognitive
disabilities in the United States, only 28.6\% are employed,
contributing to a poverty rate (26.1\%).


In total, 37.7{\%} of respondents (49.4{\%}. This study's objective was to
remove barriers to employment for PwCD through inclusive design of
technology supports in warehouses and similar settings.

\item[{(1)}] Between the ages of 18 and 65 years
\item[{(2)}] Cognitive disability as determined by the State of Colorado Office of Disability
\item[{(3)}] Fine motor skills within gross normal limits

{\caption{Distribution of Participant Characteristics}}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{\textbf{Participant}} & \textbf{Age} & \textbf{Gender} & \textbf{Diagnosis}\\
\arrayrulecolor{green}\hline%%%% It's Working
%{\arrayrulecolor{green}\hline}%%%% It's Not Working When Grouping
\textbf{P01} & 28 & F & Cerebral Palsy\\[5pt]
\textbf{P02} & 25 & M & Autism Spectrum Disorder\\[5pt]
\textbf{P03} & --- & M & Autism Spectrum Disorder\\[5pt]
\textbf{P04} & 38 & F & IDD (unspecified)\\[5pt]
\textbf{P05} & 25 & M & Cerebral Palsy\\[5pt]
\textbf{P06} & 23 & M & Down Syndrome\\[5pt]
\textbf{P07} & 19 & M & IDD (unspecified)\\[3pt]

In a pilot crossover
study, subjects with cognitive disabilities participated in
simulated work sessions. 




LuaLaTeX:::This is LuaHBTeX, Version 1.17.0 (TeX Live 2023)

LaTeX2e :::LaTeX2e <2024-06-01> pre-release-1 (develop 2024-2-20 branch)

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终端/命令提示符:lualatex-dev filename.tex


colortbl 目前尚未得到官方的完全支持,但该问题已在 2024/02/20 v1.0g 版本中修复,该版本已在当前 texlive 的 ctan 上。

但请注意,可能还有其他未解决的问题,不要忽略日志文件中的消息。如果 tagpdf 发出大量警告,例如

Package tagpdf Warning: Parent-Child 'Table/' --> 'TD/pdf2'.
(tagpdf)                Relation is not allowed (struct 40, /Table --> struct
(tagpdf)                41) on line 327

