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%%%%%%%%%  TITLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\noindent\huge\bf Title}\\[1cm]

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Author Data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\bf\large authorname$^*$}\\[0.5cm]
Email: [email protected]\\

{\bf\large authorname$^*$}\\[0.5cm]
Email: [email protected]\\
$^*$ Affiliations\\         
%%%%%%%%%%%   The Information Bar on the Left %%%%%%%%%%%
\noindent{\bf How to cite this paper:} Author (2024) title, Journal of ***, {\bf *},    *-*.\\
{\bf Received: **** **, ***}\\
{\bf Accepted: **** **, ***}\\
{\bf Published: **** **, ***}\\
Copyright \copyright$\;$2024 by author(s) and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.\\
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).\\
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  The Abstract and Keywords %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\color{Brown}\bf\large Abstract}\\

the abstract context
{\color{Brown}\bf\large Keywords}\\
keywords,bla bla....
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bodytext .......
After graduation, Rhimes was an unemployed scriptwriter in Hollywood.[15] To make ends meet, Rhimes worked at a variety of day jobs, including as an office administrator and then a counselor at a job center that taught job skills to people with housing instability and mental illness. During this period, Rhimes worked as research director on the documentary Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream (1995), which won the 1995 Peabody Award.[15][21] In 1998, Rhimes made a short film, Blossoms and Veils, starring Jada Pinkett-Smith and Jeffrey Wright, which is her only credit as a film director.[15] New Line Cinema purchased a feature script of hers. Rhimes received an assignment to co-write the HBO movie Introducing Dorothy Dandridge (1999), which earned numerous awards for its star, Halle Berry.
\caption{Comparison of the performance metrics.}
     Metrics & AMOPSO-SRD & SMOPSO & NSGA-II & SPEA-II\\
    GD  &    0 &     0 &     00 &    0.0 \\
    S   &    0 &     0.0 &   0 &     0 \\
    C(A,B)&        -- &  0000 &  0 &     0. \\
    C(B,A)&        -- & 0000  &  000 &   0.00 \\
\item A represents the AMOPSO-SRD; B represents the algorithm in each column.

\subfloat[Result from SMOPSO and AMOPSO-SRD]{%
 \subfloat[Result from NSGA2 and AMOPSO-SRD]{%
 \subfloat[Result from SPEA2 and AMOPSO-SRD]{%
\caption{The true Pareto Front and the approximated Pareto fronts for the Viennet(3) test problems.}



表格和图片必须与正文对齐。图片是在 word office 中完成的,我不知道 latex 中的命令





    \caption{Comparison of the performance metrics.}
        Metrics & AMOPSO-SRD & SMOPSO & NSGA-II & SPEA-II\\
        GD  &    0 &     0 &     00 &    0.0 \\
        S   &    0 &     0.0 &   0 &     0 \\
        C(A,B)&        -- &  0000 &  0 &     0. \\
        C(B,A)&        -- & 0000  &  000 &   0.00 \\
        A represents the AMOPSO-SRD; B represents the algorithm in each column.
