


\setlength{\nomitemsep}{-\parskip} % Baseline skip between items

  \str_case:nn { #1 } { #2 }

      {I} {Indices}
      % add here other cases


  % Variables
    \nomenclature[V]{$T^{\vn{Building}}_{t,b}$}{temperature of the building}
    \nomenclature[V]{$C^{total}$}{total costs for electricity}
    \nomenclature[V]{$P^{Peak}$}{electrical peak load}
    \nomenclature[V]{$V^{\vn{DHW}}_{t,b}$}{usable volume for DHW of the hot water tank}
    \nomenclature[V]{$Q_{t,b}^{\vn{SH}}$}{heating energy of the heat pump for space heating}
    \nomenclature[V]{$Q_{t,b}^{\vn{DHW}}$}{heating energy of the heat pump for DHW}
    \nomenclature[V]{$x_{t,b}$}{modulation degree of the heat pump for space heating}
    \nomenclature[V]{$y_{t,b}$}{modulation degree of the heat pump for DHW}
    \nomenclature[V]{$h_{t,b}^{\vn{runSH}}$}{binary variable indicating if the heat pump is running for space heating}
    \nomenclature[V]{$h_{t,b}^{\vn{runDHW}}$}{binary variable indicating if the heat pump is running for DHW}

    \nomenclature[V]{$h_{t,b}^{\vn{switchedOff}}$}{binary variable indicating if the heat pump is switched off}
    \nomenclature[V]{$P_{t,b}^{\vn{EV}}$}{charging power of the EV}
    \nomenclature[V]{$\vn{SOC}_{t,b}$}{state of charge of the EV}
    \nomenclature[V]{$P_{i}^{\text{PriceShift}\%}$}{share of shifted load using the Price-Shift-Operator}
    %\nomenclature[V]{$P_{i}^{\text{PeakShift}\%}$}{share of shifted load using the Peak-Shift-Operator}










  % Parameters
    \nomenclature[P]{$T^{\max}_{b}$}{maximum building temperature}
    \nomenclature[P]{$T^{\min}_{b}$}{minimum building temperature}
    \nomenclature[P]{$p_t$}{time variable electricity price}
    \nomenclature[P]{$^{\vn{DHWmin}}_{b}$}{minimum volume of the hot water tank}
    \nomenclature[P]{$^{\vn{DHWmax}}_{b}$}{maximum volume of the hot water tank}
    \nomenclature[P]{$d^{\vn{Temperature}}$}{factor for controlling the allowed deviation from the initial temperature}
    \nomenclature[P]{$d^{\vn{DHW}}$}{factor for controlling the allowed deviation from the initial DHW volume}
    \nomenclature[P]{$Q_{t,b}^{\vn{DemandSH}}$}{demand for space heating}
    \nomenclature[P]{$Q_{t,b}^{\vn{DemandDHW}}$}{demand for DHW}
    \nomenclature[P]{$Q_{t,b}^{\vn{LossesSH}}$}{energy losses of the heating system}
    \nomenclature[P]{$Q_{t,b}^{\vn{LossesDHW}}$}{energy losses of the hot water tank}

    \nomenclature[P]{$P^{\vn{HP}}_b$}{maximum electrical power of the heat pump}
    \nomenclature[P]{$\vn{COP}_{t,b}$}{Coefficient of performance of the heat pump}
    \nomenclature[P]{$k_b$}{maximum number of heat pump starts}
    \nomenclature[P]{${\vn{mod}}^{\min}$}{minimum modulation degree of the heat pump}
    \nomenclature[P]{$P_{t,b}^{\vn{EVMax}}$}{maximum charging power of the EV}
    \nomenclature[P]{$a_{t,b}$}{availability parameter of the EV}
    \nomenclature[P]{$\eta_{b}$}{charging efficiency of the EV}
    \nomenclature[P]{$P_{t,b}^{\vn{EVDrive}}$}{power consumption of the EV while driving}
    \nomenclature[P]{$C^{\vn{EV}}_b$}{energy capacity of the EV's battery}
    \nomenclature[P]{$P_{t,b}^{\vn{el}}$}{electrical power of the inflexible devices}










    % Index
    \nomenclature[I]{$t$}{time slot}
    \nomenclature[I]{$Z$}{total number of time slots}
    \nomenclature[I]{$B$}{total number of buildings}


\usepackage{amssymb}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amssymb
\usepackage{pifont}% http://ctan.org/pkg/pifont
\usepackage{framed} % Framing content
\usepackage{multicol} % Multiple columns environment
\usepackage{nomencl} % Nomenclature package


\newcommand\vn[1]{\mathrm{#1}} % "vn": short for "variable name"

%Define the color of the links

\definecolor{myColor}{RGB}{0, 0.0, 0} 


\journal{Applied Energy}







%%Graphical abstract

%%Research highlights
\item Research highlight 1
\item Research highlight 2

%% keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword
keyword 1 \sep keyword 2 \sep keyword 3 \sep keyword 4 \sep keyword 5 
%% PACS codes here, in the form: \PACS code \sep code
%\PACS 0000 \sep 1111
%% MSC codes here, in the form: \MSC code \sep code
%% or \MSC[2008] code \sep code (2000 is the default)
%MSC 0000 \sep 1111


%% \linenumbers



\thispagestyle{empty} % Remove page number and header/footer on the first page

%% If you have bibdatabase file and want bibtex to generate the
%% bibitems, please use

%% else use the following coding to input the bibitems directly in the
%% TeX file.

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% %% Text of bibliographic item

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%% End of file `elsarticle-template-num.tex'.

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