


\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em

   \centering Ref & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Technology} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Applications} & Highlights \\
         & Finite Element Method & Surrogate Modeling & Reservoir Computing & AR/VR &  SVM ML algorithm & Haptic Feedback & TENG Sensors & CFD & Healthcare \& biomedical & Manufacturing \& industry & Aerospace \& space & Agriculture \& Environment monitoring & \\ \hline
   \centering \cite{c8} & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark  & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & This paper discusses the use of reservoir computing in DT-SR technology \\ \hline
   \centering \cite{c9} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & This paper discusses the use of triboelectric nanogenerator sensors for DT-SR merge
 \\ \hline
   \centering \cite{c79} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This paper describes using ML algorithms for
    accurate and predictive digital twin models of soft robots \\ \hline

  \centering \cite{c99} & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This paper describes how  \\ \hline
   \centering \cite{c167} & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This study describes how augmented reality can be used in assistance with machine learning algorithms to create DT models of soft robots \\ \hline

   \centering \cite{c168} & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This study describes how augmented reality can be used in assistance with machine learning algorithms to create DT models of soft robots \\ \hline
 \centering \cite{c169} & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & This study discusses the use of AR and ML algorithms for the creation of soft robot DTs \\ \hline
  \centering  \cite{c76} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & This study discusses all the up-to-date technologies encompassing DT-SR integration \\ \hline
   \centering \cite{c170} & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & x & This paper covers the use of AR, ML and Teng sensors in the revolution of DT-SR technology \\ \hline
   \centering Current Study & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & This study discusses all the up-to-date technologies encompassing DT-SR integration \\ \hline
    %Row 1, Cell 1 & Row 1, Cell 2 & Row 1, Cell 3 \\






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  colsep = 2mm,
  \SetCell[r=2]{} Ref & \SetCell[c=8]{} Technology & &&&&&&&\SetCell[c=4]{} Applications & Highlights &&&\\
  & Finite Element Method & Surrogate Modeling & Reservoir Computing & AR/VR & SVM~ML algorithm & Haptic Feedback & TENG Sensors & CFD & Health\-care \& biomedical & Manu\-facturing \& industry & Aerospace \& space & Agriculture \& Environment monitoring & \\ 
  \cite{c8} & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark  & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & This paper discusses the use of reservoir computing in DT-SR technology \\ 
  \cite{c9} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & This paper discusses the use of triboelectric nanogenerator sensors for DT-SR merge
  \cite{c79} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This paper describes using ML algorithms for
  accurate and predictive digital twin models of soft robots \\    
  \cite{c99} & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This paper describes how  \\ 
  \cite{c167} & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This study describes how augmented reality can be used in assistance with machine learning algorithms to create DT models of soft robots \\ 
  \cite{c168} & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This study describes how augmented reality can be used in assistance with machine learning algorithms to create DT models of soft robots \\ 
  \cite{c169} & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & This study discusses the use of AR and ML algorithms for the creation of soft robot DTs \\ 
  \cite{c76} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & This study discusses all the up-to-date technologies encompassing DT-SR integration \\ 
  \cite{c170} & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & x & This paper covers the use of AR, ML and Teng sensors in the revolution of DT-SR technology \\ Current Study & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & This study discusses all the up-to-date technologies encompassing DT-SR integration \\ 
  %Row 1, Cell 1 & Row 1, Cell 2 & Row 1, Cell 3 \\







% new code:


\caption{Survey of Relevant Literature}

\begin{tabularx}{\mylen}{@{} l CCCc CCCc CCCC L @{}}
Ref & \multicolumn{8}{c}{Technology} 
    & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Applications} 
    & This study discusses \dots \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-9} \cmidrule(lr){10-13}
    & Finite Element Method & Surrogate Modeling & Reservoir Computing & AR/VR 
    & SVM ML algorithm & Haptic Feedback & TENG Sensors & CFD 
    & Healthcare \& biomedical & Manufacturing \& industry & Aerospace \& space & Agriculture \& Environment monitoring 
    & \\ 
\cite{c8} & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & the use of reservoir computing in DT-SR technology \\ 
\cite{c9} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & the use of triboelectric nanogenerator sensors for DT-SR merge \\ 
\cite{c79} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & using ML algorithms for accurate and predictive digital twin models of soft robots \\ 
\cite{c99} & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & This paper describes how \dots \\ 
\cite{c167} & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & augmented reality can be used in assistance with machine learning algorithms to create DT models of soft robots \\ 
\cite{c168} & x & x & x & \checkmark & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & how augmented reality can be used in assistance with machine learning algorithms to create DT models of soft robots \\ 
\cite{c169} & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & the use of AR and ML algorithms for the creation of soft robot DTs \\ 
\cite{c76} & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & x & x & all the up-to-date technologies encompassing DT-SR integration \\ 
\cite{c170} & x & x & x & x & x & x & x & \checkmark & x & \checkmark & x & x & the use of AR, ML and Teng sensors in the revolution of DT-SR technology \\ 
\makecell{Current\\Study} & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & \checkmark & all up-to-date technologies encompassing DT-SR integration \\ 
%Row 1, Cell 1 & Row 1, Cell 2 & Row 1, Cell 3 \\


