%Section: Publications
{\textbf{Contrails Whitepaper}} {\textbf{Mar 2023}} \\*
{\website{https://www.flipsnack.com/Atkinscontent/contrails-whitepaper/full-view.html}\\*{https://www.flipsnack.com/Atkinscontent/contrails-whitepaper/full-view.html}} \\*
{I was the Lead Author on a Thought Leadership piece for AtkinsRéalis’ Future of Flight Market Growth campaign. I researched areas surrounding traditional contrail development; effect of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) and Hydrogen propulsion on contrail formation; and how the wider aviation sector can contribute to mitigate the impact of contrails on the environment.}
{\textbf{CAP2522 - Future Flight Aircraft Capabilities}} \hspace{10mm}{\textbf{Dec 2022}} \\*
{\website{https://www.caa.co.uk/our-work/publications/documents/content/cap2522/}{CAP2522}} \\*
{I am a named author on the UK CAA publication CAP2522 – Future Flight Aircraft Capabilities paper produced by AtkinsRéalis for the UKRI. The study aims to provide a comprehensive basis of Future Flight Aircraft characteristics which identifies novel features compared to conventional reference aircraft.}
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