这种格式和类似格式的食谱需要什么(例如,表格配方符号可以在以下网址查看https://www.cookingforengineers.com/recipe/58/Peanut-Butter-Cookies-- 朝向底部),是简洁,通常不是烹饪写作的显著特征。无论如何,这种格式和类似格式的食谱更可能是一个总结,或者一个备忘录而不是完整、详细的菜谱。
——默认值目前为 1 英寸,但可以在前言中更改。要使用 minipages,请将选项添加dominipg
\usepackage[rgb]{xcolor}% <<-necessary for use of hsb color space>>
%% |=====8><-----| %%
%% \step options:
\define@key{timelst}{Bot}[true]{\csname botrec#1\endcsname}%% below timeline
\define@key{timelst}{Top}[false]{\csname botrec#1\endcsname}%% above timeline
%% recipe environment options:
\define@key{timel}{dominipg}[true]{\csname dominipg#1\endcsname}%% if true, use minipages, not varwidth
\define@key{timel}{nocolor}[true]{\csname nocolor#1\endcsname}%if true, stop random colors
\define@key{timel}{nocolorcolor}{\def\nocolorcolor{#1}}% if nocolor=true use this color
\define@key{timel}{recipecolor}{\colorlet{recipecolor}{#1}}%% main recipe color
\define@key{timel}{tlnwidth}{\setlength{\tlnwidth}{#1}}%% width of timeline
\define@key{timel}{mvstep}{\setlength{\mvstep}{#1}}%% small vertical offset to avoid line colisions
\define@key{timel}{stepoffset}{\setlength{\stepoffset}{#1}}%%dist. timeline to first connector bend
\define@key{timel}{nodedist}{\setlength{\nodedist}{#1}}%% horizontal distance between steps
%% |=====8><-----| %%
\makeatletter %% {\foo}{A}{B}
%% format the ingredients -- bold; the hanging indentation happens in the varwidth environments
\NewDocumentCommand{\ingreds}{ >{\SplitList{;}}m }{\ProcessList{#1}{\fooaux}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\fooaux}{ m } {\expandafter\fooauxa#1|}% #1*=\hrulefill?; #2=ingredients
\NewDocumentCommand{\fooauxa}{s O{0pt} u{|}}{%
%% #1*=?; [#2=keyval]l #3=title; #4=start #5=end
\NewDocumentEnvironment{recipe}{s O{} m m m}{%
\colorlet{cmpreccol}{rgb:-recipecolor, 5;black, 3}% complement, darkened
\pgfmathsetmacro{\tlndur}{#5 - #4}%
start chain=toprec going {right=of \tikzchainprevious.south east},
start chain=botrec going {right=of \tikzchainprevious.north east},
outer sep=0pt,
node distance=\nodedist]
\draw[timeline](0,0)coordinate(ST) -- (\tlnwidth,0)coordinate(ET); %timeline
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\foreach \n [count=\m from 0] in {#4,...,#5}
at ($(ST)!\m/\tlndur!(ET)$) {\n};}%% numbers on timeline
\node[above right=0pt and 0pt of current bounding box.north west -| ST,
name=T,font=\Large\bfseries\itshape,text=recipecolor] {#3};%% title node
stepnode/.style n args = {3}{thick,fill=stephue!10,draw=stephue,name=#1,on chain=#2,anchor=#3},
connector/.style={stephue,very thick,-{Stealth[]},rounded corners=3pt},
timeline/.style={recipecolor,very thick,{Latex[]}-{Latex[]}},
endshow/.style={ultra thick,stephue!50,-{Bar[]}},
stnum/.style={font=\sffamily\scriptsize,draw=stephue,very thin,
fill=stephue!10,circle,inner sep=1pt}
\NewDocumentCommand{\mkstep}{+m o m}{%utility macro: #1=method text; [#2=ingredients]; #3=step width
\ifdominipg \begin{minipage}{#3} \else \begin{varwidth}{#3}\fi% or minipage if you like
\rightskip0pt plus 3em
\rightskip0pt plus 3em
\ifdominipg \end{minipage} \else\end{varwidth}\fi% or minipage
%% #1 keyval,#2 method, [#3 ingredients] (;-separated list), #4 start<-end>; #5=[step width]
\NewDocumentCommand{\step}{O{} +m o m O{\stepwd} D<>{0pt}}{%
\if\instring{-}{#4}\expandafter\whyph#4| \else \wohyph#4|\fi
\ifbotrec % below the timeline
\noexpand\node[stepnode={BOT\thestepnum}{botrec}{north west},yshift=-\mvstep]
\noexpand\mkstep{#2}[#3]{#5}% Does the work of formatting the step
\noexpand\draw[connector] (BOT\thestepnum.north) --
++(0,8pt) -|
($(ST)!{(\FROM-\startrec)/\tlndur}!(ET)$); %% draw connector
\ifx\empty\TO \else %% draw completion arrow if \TO exists
\noexpand\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\noexpand\draw[endshow](BOT\thestepnum) --
(BOT\thestepnum -| H\TO);
at (BOT\thestepnum.north west){\thestepnum};
\else % above the timeline
\noexpand\node[stepnode={TOP\thestepnum}{toprec}{south west},yshift=\mvstep]
\noexpand\mkstep{#2}[#3]{#5}% Does the work of formatting the step
\noexpand\draw[connector] (TOP\thestepnum.south) --
++(0,-8pt) -|
($(ST)!{(\FROM-\startrec)/\tlndur}!(ET)$); %% draw connector
\ifx\empty\TO \else %% draw completion arrow if \TO exists
\noexpand\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\noexpand\draw[endshow](TOP\thestepnum) --
(TOP\thestepnum -| H\TO);
\noexpand\node[stnum]at (TOP\thestepnum.north west){\thestepnum};
%% |=====8><-----| %%
\begin{recipe}[dominipg,tlnwidth=7in]{Testing Timeline}{7}{16}
\step{Here is a step with absolutely no ingredients whatsoever that should finish up around noon or so.}{8-12}[2in]
\step{Mix it up and serve it forth at one o'clock.}[*1 cup extra virgin olive oil;2 tsp. henbane;3 cups vinegar]{10-13}
\step[Bot]{more bla\par bla bla that just might be excessive}{11.75-13}[1.5in]
\step[Bot]{yada yada yada}{14-15}
\begin{recipe}[recipecolor=orange,tlnwidth=9.5in,mvstep=3pt,stepoffset=18pt,nodedist=18pt]{Testing Timeline II}{7}{16}
\step{blablabla which might go on and on for an useemly time\dots}{8-12}[1in]
\step{more bla bla bla}[*1 cup extra virgin olive oil;2;3]{10}
\step[Bot]{more bla\endgraf bla bla which could go on and on seemingly forever, and on and on and on ad infinitum}{11.25-13}[1in]
\step[Top]{$A=\pi r^2$ \par more bla\par bla bla}[*1 cup extra virgin olive oil;2;3]{14}
\step[Bot]{Open the Champagne!}{16}
Chains: two `TikZ` `chain`s are used to place the steps; the distance between the chain elements is controlled by an option to `recipe`, `nodedist`.
The `recipe` environment takes 4 arguments:
#1 (optional) keyval options:
dominipg: use minipage instead of varwidth
nocolor: turns off random coloring of steps, uses recipecolor
nocolorcolor: if specified and nocolor is in effect, specifies the color
to use instead of recipecolor
recipecolor: main recipe color
tlnwidth: width of timeline, if not set, defaults to \textwidth
mvstep: small vertical offset to avoid connector line colisions
stepoffset: distance from timeline to first connector bend
nodedist: horizontal distance between steps, sets for *all* steps
#2 the title of the timeline
#3 the start of the time line (in 24-hour decimal format)
#4 the end of the time line (in 24-hour decimal format)
The `\step` macro takes 6 arguments:
#1 keyval, optional: `Top` (default) for above the timeline, `Bot` for below.
#2 required, method: text of the method, can have implicit or explicit `\par`s
#3 optional, ingredients in a ;-separated list
#4 required, start<-end>: A single digit will show only the start time; two digits with a hyphen (e.g., 3-5) will show `3` as the start, with a barred rule showing the duration at `5`.
#5 [step width] optional; if not given will use default.
#6 The sixth argument (optional) to `\step` (`<...>`) (+ right, - left), works, but only once for the two layers of steps - above and below the timeline. Given as a dimension.
Step numbers are shown at the upper left of the step boxes, and reflect the order in which the steps were input.
The `Top` and `Bot` options to the `\step` macro: `Top` is the default, and is optional at the start of input.