需要在 bst 文件中进行特定修复

需要在 bst 文件中进行特定修复

我正在使用 LaTeX 中的 \documentclass{article} 文档。

这是我的 bst 文件的摘录:

  FUNCTION {begin.bib}    
   { preamble$ empty$    
      { preamble$ write$ newline$ }    
    "\begin{thebibliography}{}" write$ newline$    
  EXECUTE {begin.bib}    
  EXECUTE {init.state.consts}    
  ITERATE {call.type$}    
  FUNCTION {end.bib}    
   { newline$    
      "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$    
  EXECUTE {end.bib}       

我的 LaTeX 文件结尾为:





有人能告诉我如何修改 bst 文件以消除间隙吗?
/ 我尝试直接将 \vspace{-10pt} 插入 LaTeX 文件,但失败了。/

这是我一生中第一次处理 bst 文件。因此,我希望得到一个简单、详细且万无一失的答案。理想情况下,上述 bst 命令的修正版本。谢谢。


 \documentclass[10pt, twoside]{article}    
    \usepackage{makeidx}   %  For indexing    


\font\sevennrr=ptmr at 7pt              
\font\eightnrr=ptmr at 8pt              
\font\ninenrr=ptmr at 9pt              
\font\elevennrr=ptmr at 11pt           
\font\twelvenrr=ptmr at 12pt           
\font\eightnrri=ptmri at 8pt       
\font\ninenrri=ptmri at 9pt        
\font\eightrb=ptmb at 8pt          
\font\ninerb=ptmb at 9pt           
\font\sevenarbi=phvbo at 7pt        
\font\sevenari=phvro at 7pt          
\font\twelvearbi=phvbo at 12pt      
\font\astrosym=astrosym at 20pt        
%-----Section L page numbers        
\def\pageJPLint{L5}        % JPL integration description     
\def\pageJPLdes{L5}        % Description about JPL DE405/LE405    
\def\pageTimeScales{L3}    % timescales    
%-----Page Numbers: Section A    
\def\pagemnphA{A1}         % Moon phases    
\def\pageoccns{A2}         % Lunar occultations    
\def\pagegeoph{A3}         % Geocentric phenomena    
\def\pagehelph{A3}         % Heliocentric phenomena    
\def\pagemagmv{A4}         % Mercury & Venus elongations and magnitudes     
\def\pagemphen{A4}         % Minor planet phenomena    
\def\pagemgpl{A5}          % Mars - Neptune elongations and magnitudes    
\def\pagempmag{A5}         % Selected Dwarf & Minor planet magnitudes    
\def\pagesmags{A4--A5}      % Planet elongations and magnitudes    
\def\pagesdiary{A9--A11}   % Diary of Phenomena    
\def\pagersexpl{A12}       % Riseset explanation    
\def\pagersex{A13}         % Rise set examples    
\def\pageseclexpl{A78--A83}% Eclipse explanation    
%-----Section B page numbers    
\def\pageJD{B3}            % Julian Date    
\def\pagesDays{B4--B5}     % Days in the year    
\def\pageTimenotation{B6}  % Notation for timescales    
\def\pageERAf{B8}          % ERA formulae    
\def\pageGMST{B8}          % Page for GMST formulae    
\def\pageGAST{B9}          % Page for GAST formulae    
\def\pageERAf{B8}          %    
\def\pageLHA{B11}          % Relationship between GHA & LHA    
\def\pagesUST{B13--B20}    % Universal & Sidereal Times, tabular pages    
\def\pagesERA{B21--B24}    % UT and Earth Rotation Angle, tabular pages    
\def\pagesBPNCtoI{B30--B45}% Both BPN and Celestial to Intermediate matricies.    
\def\pagexys{B46}          % Page for the definition of X & Y    
\def\pageFB{B50}           % Frame bias    
\def\pageapproxprec{B54}   % Reduction for precession - approximate formulae    
\def\pageBPN{B56}          % Combined bias precession and nutation matrix    
\def\pagesEarthXYZ{B76-B83}% Position and velocity of Earth, tabular pages    
\def\pagesexppol{B87-B92}  % Pole star explanation and tables    
\def\pagesTimRelat{B6--B12}% Timescales and the repationships between them    
%-----Section D page numbers    
\def\pagesDfstfive{D1--D5}  % Moon, first 5 pages before tables    
\def\pageMoonEl{D2}         % Moon elements (Omega, I)    
\def\pageMoonlib{D5}        % Lunar Librations    
\def\pagesMoonapp{D6--D20}  % Moon's apparent coordinates   
\def\pagesMoonphy{D7--D21}  % Moon's physical coordinates    
\def\pageMoonlow{D22}       % Moon, low-precision & notes and formulae    
%-----Section K page numbers    
\def\pagesconsts{K6--K7}   % Seclected Astronomical Constants    
\def\pageconstsa{K6}        % Astronomical Constants IAU values 1st page K6    
\def\pageconstsb{K7}        % Astronomical Constants IAU values 2nd page K7    
\def\pagesDeltaT{K8--K9}   % Delta T pages    
\def\pageDeltaT{K9}        % Current years Delta T    
\def\pagexypm{K10}         % XY for polar motion    
\def\pagesITRF{K11--K13}   % Reduction of Terrestiral coordinates    
\def\pagesJDsex{K2--K5}    % Table Julian Dates, explanation and examples    
\def\pagePlanetRadii{K7}   % WG CCRE, planetary radii    
%-----Section Z page numbers    
\def\pageWebLinks{x}       % Page with all the http:// links    
%------Journal Commands for the text - may not need these.    
\newcommand{\AJ}{\tennrri Astron. Jour.}    
\newcommand{\AnA}{\tennrri Astron. Astrophys.}    
\newcommand{\AnAs}{\tennrri Astron. Astrophys. Supp. Ser.}    
\newcommand{\ApJ}{\tennrri Astrophys. Jour.}    
\newcommand{\ApJs}{\tennrri Astrophys. Jour. Supp. Ser.}    
\newcommand{\CM}{\tennrri Celest. Mech.}    
\newcommand{\MNRAS}{\tennrri Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.}    
\newcommand{\PASP}{\tennrri Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac.}    
%------General Defs  --------------%    
\def\AT{\hbox{\rm AT}}            % AT    
\def\DeltaT{\hbox{$\Delta T$}}    % Delta T    
\def\TT{\hbox{\rm TT}}            % TT    
\def\TAI{\hbox{\rm TAI}}          % TAI    
\def\UT{\hbox{\rm UT}}            % UT    
\def\UTC{\hbox{\rm UTC}}          % UTC    
\def\refs{\frenchspacing}         % Ignore space implications of punctuation    
\newcommand{\opcit}{\tennrri op.cit.}    
\newcommand{\ea}{\tennrri et al.}    
\newcommand{\eg}{{\tennrri e.g.}}    
\newcommand{\ie}{{\tennrri i.e.}}    
\newcommand{\asa}{\tennrri The Astronomical Almanac}    
\newcommand{\asao}{\tennrri The Astronomical Almanac Online}    
\def\GMS{\hbox{\it GM\/}_{\mathrm S}}    
%-----Define unit commands    
\newcommand{\secdot}{$^{\mathrm s}\!\!.$}    
\newcommand{\hrsdot}{\hbox{\hrslittle}\kern -3pt}    
%-------Commands for the box   
\newcommand{\WWW}{\lower0.2ex\hbox{\raise1.0ex\hbox{W}\kern-0.1em \raise0.5ex\hbox{W}\kern-0.1em W}}    
\newcommand{\asaoUSB}{\ninerb https://aa.usno.navy.mil/publications/asa.html}     
\newcommand{\asaoUKB}{\ninerb http://asa.hmnao.com}    
\newcommand{\tAAO}{\ninenrri The Astronomical Almanac Online}     

\hyphenation{serv-ices plan-et-o-gra-phic ephem-erides ephem-er-is WGC-CRE arc-minute}    
% Page format    
\paperwidth = 504 pt    
\paperheight = 720 pt    
\textwidth = 396 pt    
\oddsidemargin = 9 pt    
\evensidemargin= -42 pt    
\topmargin = -15 pt    
\headheight = 9 pt    
\headsep = 16 pt    
\textheight=585 pt    
% Page header format    
\fancyhead[RO, LE]{\twelvenrr L\thepage}    
\fancyhead[C]{\twelvenrr NOTES AND REFERENCES}    
% Format section and sub-section headers    
% Format the table of contents     
              {\contentsmargin{15pt}\titlerule*[1pc]{.....} L\hspace{-9.5pt}\contentspage}[\vspace{-0.5pt}]     
              {\contentsmargin{15pt}\titlerule*[1pc]{.....} L\hspace{-9.5pt}\contentspage}[\vspace{-0.5pt}]             
% No separation of items in a list.    
