\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Customize headers and footers
\usepackage{setspace} % Adjust line spacing
\usepackage[many]{tcolorbox} % Boxes for headings or text
\usepackage[explicit]{titlesec} % Customize chapter and section titles
\usepackage{libertine} % Use the Linux Libertine font (repeated)
\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}
% Counter definitions tied to section or chapter
% Initialize current color with a default
% Command to change the current color based on section
% Assuming you have a mechanism to distinguish section types,
% you could redefine the \section command or create a new one to include the color change.
% For simplicity, let's define custom commands for section types:
% Repeat for other types as needed
% Apply the current color to subsection titles
{\normalfont\large\bfseries\color{\currentcolor}} % Format
{\thesubsection}{0.5em}{} % Label and separation
% Custom formatting for counters
% Color definitions for different box types
% The main command to create a styled tcolorbox
enhanced, % Use enhanced features for the box
breakable, % Allow box to break across pages
empty, % No background and frame by default
frame engine=path, % Use path-based rendering for the frame
colframe=yellow!10, % Frame color (not visible with empty style)
sharp corners, % Sharp corners, can be customized
title={#2 \thechapter.\thesection.\arabic{#3}}, % Box title format
attach boxed title to top left={yshift*=-\tcboxedtitleheight},
boxed title style={size=minimal, top=4pt, left=4pt, colback=#4},
coltitle=black, % Title text color
fonttitle=\large\bfseries\sffamily, % Title font style
drop fuzzy shadow=black!50!white, % Uncomment for shadow effect
borderline west={3pt}{-3pt}{#4}, % Border line on the left
attach boxed title to top left={xshift=3mm, yshift*=-\tcboxedtitleheight/2},
boxed title style={right=3pt, bottom=3pt, overlay={
\draw[draw=#4, fill=#4, line join=round]
(frame.south west) -- (frame.north west) -- (frame.north east) --
(frame.south east) -- ++(-2pt, 0) -- ++(-2pt, -4pt) --
++(-2pt, 4pt) -- cycle;
\newtcolorbox[use counter=#1]{#1}{%
#1base, % Apply the base style
% Additional styles or parameters can be added here
% Revised command to ensure proper text wrapping
before skip=2mm, after skip=2mm,
colframe=blue!50!black, colback=yellow!20!white,
breakable, % Ensures content can break across pages/lines
width=\linewidth, % Explicitly set the width to the line width
left=1mm, right=1mm, % Adjust padding as necessary
attach boxed title to top left={
boxed title style={
frame code={
\path[tcb fill frame] ([xshift=-0mm]frame.west)--(frame.north west) -- (frame.north east) -- ([xshift=3mm]frame.east)
-- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west) -- cycle;
interior code={
\path[tcb fill interior] ([xshift=-0mm]interior.west)--(interior.north west) -- (interior.north east)
-- ([xshift=1.5mm]interior.east) -- (interior.south east) -- (interior.south west)
-- cycle;
title={\thesubsection #2}, #1,
valign=center, % This ensures vertical alignment; adjust as needed
% Adjusted title format for subsection to ensure the box is used correctly
{} % Preceding the title body
{}{0em} % Space between label and title body, if any
{\begin{boxsubsect}{\hskip0.7em#1}\end{boxsubsect}} % Before the title
[] % After the title
% Command to easily create new theorem-like environments
% Creating specific environments
\subsection{Wrong colour}
\subsection{wrong colour}
% [Your existing preamble with packages]
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Customize headers and footers
\usepackage{setspace} % Adjust line spacing
\usepackage[many]{tcolorbox} % Boxes for headings or text
\usepackage[explicit]{titlesec} % Customize chapter and section titles
\usepackage{libertine} % Use the Linux Libertine font (repeated)
\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}
% Initialize current color with a default
% Command to change the current color based on section
% Apply the current color to subsection titles
{\normalfont\large\bfseries\color{\currentcolor}} % Format
{\thesubsection}{0.5em}{} % Label and separation
% Custom formatting for counters
% Color definitions for different box types
% The main command to create a styled tcolorbox
enhanced, % Use enhanced features for the box
breakable, % Allow box to break across pages
empty, % No background and frame by default
frame engine=path, % Use path-based rendering for the frame
colframe=yellow!10, % Frame color (not visible with empty style)
sharp corners, % Sharp corners, can be customized
title={#2 \thechapter.\thesection.\arabic{#3}}, % Box title format
attach boxed title to top left={yshift*=-\tcboxedtitleheight},
boxed title style={size=minimal, top=4pt, left=4pt, colback=#4},
coltitle=black, % Title text color
fonttitle=\large\bfseries\sffamily, % Title font style
drop fuzzy shadow=black!50!white, % Uncomment for shadow effect
borderline west={3pt}{-3pt}{#4}, % Border line on the left
attach boxed title to top left={xshift=3mm, yshift*=-\tcboxedtitleheight/2},
boxed title style={right=3pt, bottom=3pt, overlay={
\draw[draw=#4, fill=#4, line join=round]
(frame.south west) -- (frame.north west) -- (frame.north east) --
(frame.south east) -- ++(-2pt, 0) -- ++(-2pt, -4pt) --
++(-2pt, 4pt) -- cycle;
\newtcolorbox[use counter=#1]{#1}{%
#1base, % Apply the base style
% Additional styles or parameters can be added here
before skip=2mm, after skip=2mm,
colframe=blue!50!black, colback=yellow!20!white,
breakable, % Ensures content can break across pages/lines
width=\linewidth, % Explicitly set the width to the line width
left=1mm, right=1mm, % Adjust padding as necessary
attach boxed title to top left={
boxed title style={
frame code={
\path[tcb fill frame] ([xshift=-0mm]frame.west)--(frame.north west) -- (frame.north east) -- ([xshift=3mm]frame.east)
-- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west) -- cycle;
interior code={
\path[tcb fill interior] ([xshift=-0mm]interior.west)--(interior.north west) -- (interior.north east)
-- ([xshift=1.5mm]interior.east) -- (interior.south east) -- (interior.south west)
-- cycle;
title={\thesubsection #2}, #1,
valign=center, % This ensures vertical alignment; adjust as needed
{} % Preceding the title body
{}{0em} % Space between label and title body, if any
{\begin{boxsubsect}{\hskip0.7em#1}\end{boxsubsect}} % Before the title
[] % After the title
% theorem-like environments
% Creating specific environments
\counterwithin{subthm}{thm} % Makes subthm subordinate to thm
color scheme
colback=\currentcolor!5, % Lighter background color; adjust as necessary
colframe=\currentcolor, % Frame color uses the current color
coltitle=\currentcolor, % Title color
% [Your document body]
\thmsection{Sample Section with Theorems}
This is a theorem.
This is a subtheorem, styled differently but using the theorem color.
This is a construction.
\consection{Sample Section with Constructions}
Another theorem, but in a construction section.
Another subtheorem