\chapter{Chapter 0}
\part*{Part I}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Part I}
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\part*{Part II}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Part II}
\chapter{Chapter 4}
\chapter{Chapter 5}
\chapter{Chapter 6}
\chapter{Chapter 0}
\nonumbering{\nopart{Part I}}
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\nonumbering{\nopart{Part II}}
\chapter{Chapter 4}
\chapter{Chapter 5}
\chapter{Chapter 6}
\setcounter{chapter}{-1}% Chapter 0 is ugly style.
\renewcommand{\partpagestyle}{empty}% change page style of part
\chapter{Chapter 0}
\addpart{Part I}
\chapter{Chapter 1}
%\setcounter{page}{4}% would not do this
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\addpart{Part II}
\chapter{Chapter 4}
%\setcounter{page}{7}% would not do this
\chapter{Chapter 5}
\chapter{Chapter 6}
\setcounter{chapter}{-1}% Chapter 0 is ugly style.
\renewcommand{\partpagestyle}{empty}% change page style of part
\DeclareTOCStyleEntry[pagenumberformat=\gobble]{tocline}{part}% don't show page numbers for part entries in ToC
\renewcommand*{\partheademptypage}{\addtocounter{page}{-1}\clearpage}% don't count part page; would not do this
\chapter{Chapter 0}
\addpart{Part I}
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\addpart{Part II}
\chapter{Chapter 4}
\chapter{Chapter 5}
\chapter{Chapter 6}
\newcounter{savedpagevalue} %This line defines a new counter named savedpagevalue. Counters in LaTeX are variables used for numbering, such as page numbers, chapter numbers, etc.
%This command defines a new command named pagevalue. When called, it saves the current page number plus one in the counter savedpagevalue.
%This command defines a new command named stoppagenumbering. When called, it stops the page numbering by printing no page numbers. It also increments the savedpagevalue counter and starts a new page
%This command defines a new command named restartpagenumbering with one argument. When called with an argument specifying a page numbering style (such as arabic, Roman, etc.), it restarts the page numbering according to that style and sets the page number to the value stored in savedpagevalue.
%This command defines a new command named blankpage. When called, it starts a new page, prints nothing on it (using \null), and suppresses any page numbering (using \thispagestyle{empty}).
\chapter{Chapter 0}
\part*{Part I}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Part I}
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\part*{Part II}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Part II}
\chapter{Chapter 4}
\chapter{Chapter 5}
\chapter{Chapter 6}