如何用 \twocolumn 制作垂直虚线?

如何用 \twocolumn 制作垂直虚线?


\usepackage[width = 18cm]{geometry}

  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[yshift=-2.7cm, xshift=-1cm] at (current page.north west)
      {\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \path[draw=none, fill=lightgray] (2,0) rectangle




  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?

  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?


  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?

  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?




\usepackage{tikzpagenodes}% also loads tikz
\usepackage[width = 18cm, headheight=2cm]{geometry}

  \path[draw=none, fill=lightgray] (2,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,2cm);

\pagestyle{scrheadings}% ???



\AddToHook{shipout/background}{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
  \node at (current page header area.center) {\usebox\headbox};
  \draw[dotted] (current page text area.north) -- (current page text area.south);


  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?

  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?


  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?

  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?



您的帖子中有很多可疑的代码,而我只做了很少的清理工作。关于您的实际问题,最简单的方法可能是将列分隔符设置为0pt宽度,然后添加带有 的虚线tikz,因为无论如何您都会使用它。


  • 您正在使用scrarticle(因为您正在加载 Koma 包);
  • 您正在使用 A4 纸(同上);
  • 尽管如此,您还是需要美式连字符模式(因为除非您的系统配置不同,否则您明确加载了它);
  • scrlayer-scrpage对你来说比更重要fancyhdr
  • geometry考虑到其他所有情况,你可能想要也可能不想要;
  • enumitem由于您在这里不使用它,所以没有其他加载的理由;
  • 由于某种原因,您没有用填充文本填充您的文档并且不需要blindtext


\documentclass[american,a4paper]{scrarticle}% or something?
\usepackage[english]{babel}% american, presumably
% \usepackage{blindtext} % unused, unnecessary
% \usepackage{xcolor} % loaded by tikz
% \usepackage{fancyhdr} % incompatible with scrlayer-scrpage
\usepackage[width = 18cm]{geometry}% shouldn't be used with scrlayer-scrpage/koma classes if at all possible 
% \usepackage{enumitem} % unused

\newcommand{\tikzhead}[1]{% avoid nesting tikzpictures
  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \path[draw=none, fill=lightgray] ([yshift=-2.7cm, xshift=1cm]current page.north west) coordinate (lr) rectangle ++({\paperwidth-2cm},2cm);
    \draw [dashed] (current page text area.north) -- (current page text area.south);
\clearmainofpairofpagestyles % replace deprecated macro





  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?

  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?


  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?

  What is 1 + 3?

  What is 1 + 4?
    \item 1
    \item 2
    \item 5
    \item 6

  What is 1 + 2?



  • enumitem如果你使用它,将使你的生活变得更轻松;
  • 插入明确的间距应该是最后的手段,而且绝对不会经常发生;
  • 插入大量固定空间往往会导致分页效果不佳;
  • 我目前无法制作出毫无价值的输出图像。

[我尝试制作一张图片,但甚至没有显示出那条该死的线 --- 更不用说它现在是虚线了。]
