我正在使用带有 Eisvogel 模板的 Markdown 文件。我使用 awesomebox 和 fontawesome5 包来创建标注。我更喜欢在 Eisvogel 模板中使用 LaTeX 代码,以便让大多数内容保持简单的 Markdown。
这是现有的代码(一个问题和答案),后面跟着我的 Markdown 文件中的 /newcommand。
\awesomebox[maroon]{2pt}{\faQuestionCircle}{maroon}{\textbf{Question:} What flags in the output state what virtualization support is available on this server?}
\awesomebox[brandgreen]{2pt}{\faLightbulb}{brandgreen}{\textbf{Answer:} Multiple flags show up: \texttt{Virtualization: VT-x}, \texttt{Hypervisor vendor: KVM}, and \texttt{Virtualization type: full}. These flags provide information about the type of virtualization support available on this server.}
\question{This is a question.}
\answer{This is an answer.}
以下是我将代码添加到 Eisvogel 模板的方式:
%% Testing newcommands, question and answers
\newcommand{\question}[1][\textbf{Question:} ]{\awesomebox[maroon]{2pt}{\faQuestionCircle}{maroon}{#1}}
\newcommand{\answer}[1][{Answer:} ]{\awesomebox[brandgreen]{2pt}{\faLightbulb}{brandgreen}{#1}}
下面是我的前两个工作示例(Markdown 中的 LaTeX)的显示效果,接下来的两个是我的尝试(使用 \newcommand 将 LaTeX 移至 Eisvogel 模板)。
在 Eisvogel.tex 文件中我添加了以下代码行:
%% Testing newcommands, question and answers
接下来,在我的 Markdown 文件中我添加了以下几行:
\awesomebox[maroon]{2pt}{\faQuestionCircle}{maroon}{\textbf{Question:} What flags in the output state what virtualization support is available on this server?}
\awesomebox[brandgreen]{2pt}{\faLightbulb}{brandgreen}{\textbf{Answer:} Multiple flags show up: \texttt{Virtualization: VT-x}, \texttt{Hypervisor vendor: KVM}, and \texttt{Virtualization type: full}. These flags provide information about the type of virtualization support available on this server.}
\question{Question: This is a question.}
\answer{Question: This is an answer.}
eisvogel 模板或 Markdown 中不需要其他任何东西。运行 pandoc 构建脚本后,此代码应该可以工作:
time -p pandoc \
L0.md \
L1.md \
-o LabTest.pdf \
--from markdown \
--toc \
--toc-depth 2 \
--filter=pandoc-latex-environment \
--template "eisvogel-lg.tex" \
--number-sections \