我发现这篇很棒的文章输入 l 在表格中添加弯曲箭头和括号,但是我想要的是将表格放入同一个tizkpicture环境中并删除记忆过度,这需要两次编译才能生效。
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[2][-3pt]{\tikz[remember picture, overlay, baseline=-0.5ex]\node[#1](#2){};}
\tikzset{brace/.style={decorate, decoration={brace}},
brace mirrored/.style={decorate, decoration={brace,mirror}},
\tikz[remember picture, overlay]\draw[#1] (#2.center)--(#3.center)node[pos=0.5, name=brace-\thebrace]{};
\tikz[remember picture, overlay]\draw (#2.center)edge[#1]node[coordinate,pos=0.5, name=arrow-\thearrow]{}(#3.center);
% #1 options, #2 position, #3 text
\tikz[remember picture, overlay]\node[#1] at (#2) {#3};
\begin{tabular}{ | l | l |}
letter & number \\ \hline
\tikzmark[xshift=-8pt,yshift=1ex]{x}A & 1\tikzmark[xshift=3.5em]{a} \\ \hline
A & 2 \\ \hline
\tikzmark[xshift=-8pt,yshift=-1ex]{y}A & 1\tikzmark[xshift=3.5em]{b} \\ \hline
\tikzmark[xshift=-8pt,yshift=1ex]{w}B & 1 \\ \hline
\tikzmark[xshift=-8pt,yshift=-1ex]{z}B & 2 \\ \hline
\drawcurvedarrow[bend left=60,-stealth]{a}{b}
\drawbrace[brace mirrored, thick]{x}{y}
\drawbrace[brace mirrored, thick]{w}{z}
如果您使用matrix of nodes
% ateb: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/715067/
brace/.style={decorate, decoration={brace}},
brace mirrored/.style={decorate, decoration={brace,mirror}},
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,nodes={text width=12.5mm,text height=1.5ex,anchor=base west}]
letter & number \\
A & 1 \\
A & 2 \\
A & 1 \\
B & 1 \\
B & 2 \\
\foreach \i/\j/\k in {2/4/A,5/6/B}
\draw [brace mirrored,thick] (m.west |- m-\i-1.north) -- node [midway,left] {\k} (m.west |- m-\j-1.south);
\draw (m-1-1.north west) -| (m-6-2.south east) -| cycle
(m-1-1.north east) -- (m-6-1.south east)
foreach \i in {2,3,...,6} { (m-\i-1.north west) -- (m-\i-2.north east) }
\draw [-Latex] (m-2-2.east -| m.east) [bend left] to node [midway,right] {Duplicate} (m-4-2.east -| m.east) ;