长表单元格中 tkzpicture 的垂直对齐

长表单元格中 tkzpicture 的垂直对齐

我正在努力让 tkzpicture 垂直居中或顶部与文本在 longtable 单元格中对齐。不知何故它与底部基线对齐:







% define a square with text
\newcommand{\square}[3]{\node[inner sep=5pt, outer sep=5pt, minimum height=\sqs,minimum width=\sqs,fill=#3,draw,label={[align=center]center:#2}] at (#1){};}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center)]
% Smaller version to use in tables.

foo & \smallset{red}{green}{green}{red} & some long text that will be on many lines and so on some long text that will be on many lines and so on  \\
foo & \smallset{red}{green}{green}{red} & boo \\

设置baseline=(current bounding box.center)baseline=(current bounding box.north)会产生除数为零的结果。设置为居中似乎不会使其与文本居中。

所需的输出是文本和 tkzpicture 全部顶部对齐。


\someset这使得和 的基线正确\smallset




% define a square with text
\newcommand{\square}[3]{\node[inner sep=5pt, outer sep=5pt, minimum height=\sqs,minimum width=\sqs,fill=#3,draw,label={[align=center]center:#2}] at (#1){};}

      \path (current bounding box.north) ++(0pt,-\ht\strutbox) coordinate (BASE);
% Smaller version to use in tables.
\newcommand{\smallset}[4]{\raisebox{\dimexpr \ht\strutbox-\height}% set baseline
    {\raisebox{\depth}% make height total height

foo & \smallset{red}{green}{green}{red} & some long text that will be on many lines and so on some long text that will be on many lines and so on  \\
foo & \smallset{red}{green}{green}{red} & boo \\
