我正在尝试自定义散点图标记的形状和颜色。当我对颜色进行硬编码(例如红色)时,Everythink 有效:
% define marker shape here
\tikzset{marker/.style={circle, inner sep=1.5pt, fill=red}}
\node[marker] {};
\addplot[only marks, mark=mymarker, smooth] coordinates {
(3, 0.5)
(4, 0.6)
(5, 0.4)
% define marker shape here
\tikzset{marker/.style={circle, inner sep=1.5pt, fill=#1}}
\node[marker] {};
更改每个 addplot 命令的颜色。但是,我不确定如何将颜色作为参数传递给命令 \pgfdeclareplotmark。
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.17} % Ensure compatibility with pgfplots
% Declare macro to create customized markers with a specific color
\node[circle, inner sep=1.5pt, fill=#2] {};
% Declare markers with different colors
% Use the blue marker for this plot
\addplot[only marks, mark=mymarker-blue, smooth] coordinates {
(3, 0.5)
(4, 0.6)
(5, 0.4)
% Use the green marker for this plot
\addplot[only marks, mark=mymarker-green, smooth] coordinates {
(2, 0.7)
(4, 0.8)
(6, 0.9)
像这样 ?
marker color/.store in=\markercolor,
marker color=red % default color
\pgfkeys{/tikz/marker color=#1} % set the marker color
% define marker shape here
\tikzset{marker/.style={circle, inner sep=1.5pt, fill=\markercolor}}
\node[marker] {};
\myStyle{red} % <= marker color here
\addplot[only marks, mark=mymarker, smooth] coordinates {
(3, 0.5)
(4, 0.6)
(5, 0.4)