vscode 根据模式在编译后重命名pdf文件

vscode 根据模式在编译后重命名pdf文件

在 Linux 中,我创建了一个 Makefile,根据项目所需的模式重命名输出的 pdf 文件。这些模式由从 tex 源文件本身获取的变量填充。

前任 :


\def\ProjektNavn{En by i Sverige}


\def\doctype{Statisk projektredegørelse}






FLAGS=-lualatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error

# This is where are my main variables
TEX_FILE = project.sty

%.pdf: %.tex
    $(eval AUTHOR = $(shell grep -oP '\\def\\ingenior{\K[^}]+' $(TEX_FILE)))
    $(eval AFSNIT = $(shell grep -oP '\\def\\AfsnitNavn{\K[^}]+' $(TEX_FILE)))
    $(eval NR = $(shell grep -oP '\\def\\AfsnitNr{\K[^}]+' $(TEX_FILE)))
    $(eval PROJECT = $(shell grep -oP '\\def\\ProjektNavn{\K[^}]+' $(TEX_FILE)))
    $(eval TYPE = $(shell grep -oP '\\def\\doctype{\K[^}]+' $<))
    $(eval HIERAR = $(shell grep -oP '\\def\\hierar{\K[^}]+' $<))
    $(TEX) $(FLAGS) $<
    mv $@ "$(PROJECT) $(HIERAR).$(NR) $(TYPE) - $(AFSNIT).pdf"

kk1: konstruktionsgrundlag.pdf Statiskeberegninger.pdf projektredgørelse.pdf

如何在 Windows 下的 vscode/vscodium 中重现该系统(我已安装 vscodium,并安装了 Git、Latex workshop 和 Latex 实用程序)?有没有人描述过我可以使用类似的系统?

如果我的系统需要一点重组,我可以接受(从 json 或类似的东西中填充标题或变量,我可以,但我不知道如何去做......)。




# Define LaTeX compiler and flags
$TEX = "latexmk"
$FLAGS = "-lualatex"

# Define the name of the LaTeX file
$TEX_FILE = "project.sty"

# Function to compile a LaTeX file to PDF
function Compile-LatexFile {
    param (

    # Extract necessary information from the TEX_FILE
    $AUTHOR =   (Get-Content $TEX_FILE | Select-String -Pattern '\\def\\ingenior{([^}]*)}'   | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value })
    $AFSNIT =   (Get-Content $TEX_FILE | Select-String -Pattern '\\def\\AfsnitNavn{([^}]*)}' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value })
    $NR =       (Get-Content $TEX_FILE | Select-String -Pattern '\\def\\AfsnitNr{([^}]*)}'   | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value })
    $PROJECT =  (Get-Content $TEX_FILE | Select-String -Pattern '\\def\\ProjektNavn{([^}]*)}' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value })
    $TYPE =     (Get-Content $TexFile | Select-String -Pattern '\\def\\doctype{([^}]*)}'    | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value })
    $HIERAR =   (Get-Content $TexFile | Select-String -Pattern '\\def\\hierar{([^}]*)}'     | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value })

    if ($REV -gt 0) {
        $PDF = "$PROJECT $HIERAR.$NR $TYPE - $AFSNIT - Rev $REV.pdf"
    } else {
        $PDF = "$PROJECT $HIERAR.$NR $TYPE - $AFSNIT.pdf"

    # Compile LaTeX file if PDF file does not exist or is older than TEX file
    if (-not (Test-Path $PDF) -or (Get-Item $TexFile).LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Item $PDF).LastWriteTime) {
        Write-Output "Compiling $TexFile to $PDF"
        & $TEX $FLAGS $TexFile

        # Rename output to desired PDF name
        Move-Item "$($TexFile.Replace('.tex', '.pdf'))" $PDF -Force

# Compile all necessary PDFs for kk1 target
function Compile-Kk1 {
    Compile-LatexFile "konstruktionsgrundlag.tex"
    Compile-LatexFile "statiskeberegninger.tex"
    Compile-LatexFile "projektredgoerelse.tex"

# Compile all necessary PDFs for kk2 target
function Compile-Kk2 {
    Compile-LatexFile "Statiskkontrolplanprojektering.tex"
    Compile-LatexFile "kontrolrapport.tex"

# Compile brev.tex to PDF
function Compile-Brev {
    & $TEX $FLAGS "brev.tex"

# Clean up auxiliary files
function Clean {
    & $TEX -C

# Clean up all PDF files
function Clean-PDF {
    Remove-Item "*.pdf" -Force

# Main targets
function Main {
    param (

    switch ($Target) {
        "kk1" { Compile-Kk1 }
        "kk2" { Compile-Kk2 }
        "brev" { Compile-Brev }
        "clean" { Clean }
        "cleanpdf" { Clean-PDF }
        "cleanall" { Clean; Clean-PDF }
        default { Compile-LatexFile $Target }

# Parse command-line arguments to determine the target
if ($args.Length -eq 0) {
    Write-Output "Usage: .\LaTeXBuild.ps1 <target>"
    Write-Output "Targets: kk1, kk2, brev, clean, cleanpdf, cleanall"
} else {
    Main -Target $args[0]
