TikZ 节点作为文本中的字符

TikZ 节点作为文本中的字符

我使用 TikZ 解决方案的修改版本另一个问题在一些文本周围绘制圆角矩形,将其标记为程序的按钮。对于单个字符来说没有问题,但如果我使用较长的术语(因为按钮在我的程序中被命名),我会遇到 Overfull \hboxes 的问题。



    \node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=2pt, rounded corners=4pt, thick] (char) {\sffamily{#1}};}}

  A rectangled number \rectangled{1}: No problem normally as it is used as normal charakter and TeX can set it in the right position.

  A button with a longer name is marked using the same command and \rectangled{creates an Overfull \textbackslash hbox} if it is set to the end of a line.

产生的输出如下所示: MWE 的输出

有没有更好的解决方案来避免这种过满的 \hboxes,而不是重新排列句子直到不再产生问题?



sloppypar功能(或\sloppy整个文档)改变了 TeX 的惩罚,更加注重避免边距超限,但代价是单词间空间过宽。没有“免费午餐”。


    \node[shape=rectangle,draw,inner sep=2pt, rounded corners=4pt, thick] (char) {\sffamily#1};}}

  A rectangled number \rectangled{1}: No problem normally as it is used as normal charakter and TeX can set it in the right position.

  A button with a longer name is marked using the same command and \rectangled{creates an Overfull \textbackslash hbox} if it is set to the end of a line.






  • 这确实需要两次运行。第一次确定位置,第二次进行绘图。

  • 如果文本跨越页面边界,则此方法无效。

  • 的值\RoundedCorner不能大于当前的值2.0pt,否则圆角会出现瑕疵。arc如果需要更大的半径,也许可以使用手动绘制的。

  • \InnerSep可以调整的值来调整添加的额外水平间距文本。

  • 来自\tikzmark在正文旁边添加大括号

  • 您可以取消注释包裹showframe 查看页边距。



%\usepackage{showframe}% to see page boundaries


\newcommand*{\InnerSep}{1pt}% Only applied to x directions
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[inner sep=0] (#1) {};}

%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/33703/extract-x-y-coordinate-of-an-arbitrary-point-in-tikz
\newcommand*{\ExtractCoordinate}[3]{\path (#3); \pgfgetlastxy{#1}{#2};}%

\newcommand*{\RoundedCorner}{2.0pt}% <-- MUST NOT BE ANY LARGER
\tikzset{My Line Style/.style={rounded corners=\RoundedCorner, thick, blue}}

    \tikzmark{Start Mark}#2\tikzmark{End Mark}%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \ExtractCoordinate{\XCoordA}{\YCoordA}{Start Mark}
        \ExtractCoordinate{\XCoordB}{\YCoordB}{End Mark}
        \ifdim\YCoordA=\YCoordB% Starts and ends on same line
            \draw[My Line Style,#1]
                ([shift={(-\InnerSep,-0.3*\baselineskip)}]Start Mark.south east) 
                ([shift={(\InnerSep,0.7*\baselineskip)}]End Mark.north west)
        \else% Starts on a different line
            \coordinate (Right Hand Edge) at (Start Mark -| current page text area.east);
            \coordinate (Left Hand Edge)  at (End Mark -| current page text area.west);
            \draw [My Line Style,#1]% Draw start of oval rectangle 
                   ([yshift=-0.3*\baselineskip]Right Hand Edge) 
                -| ([xshift=-\InnerSep]Start Mark.west)
                |- ([yshift=0.7*\baselineskip]Right Hand Edge)
            \draw [My Line Style,#1]% Draw end of oval rectangle
                   ([yshift=-0.3*\baselineskip]Left Hand Edge) 
                -| ([xshift=\InnerSep]End Mark.east)
                |- ([yshift=0.7*\baselineskip]Left Hand Edge)

  A rectangled number \rectangled{1}, or \rectangled[magenta]{word}: No problem
  normally as it is used as normal character and TeX can set it in the right position.

  A button with a longer name marked using the same command \rectangled[red]{used to 
  create an Overfull \textbackslash hbox} if it was set to the end of a line.

  A button with a even longer name \rectangled[brown]{no longer creates a Overfull 
  \textbackslash hbox when it crosses a line} boundary.
