

在准备的大型论文式文档中,某些部分(LaTeX 层次结构 \part{})被视为先前准备的工作的插入。这可能包括更适合使用章节(跳过章节)在部分内进行层次划分的文章或摘要。这主要是为了避免“第 X 章”具有完全不同的章节格式。

我想复制(可能是 newcommand)并随后重新定义 section 命令以仅包含章节编号,这样我就可以调用名为 \papersection{} 的 latex 命令,该命令不包含章节前缀,例如(1. 简介)

为了完整性,如果可能的话,我希望能够分享 \papersection*{} 等效的格式和层次结构。

\part{(First Part)}
     Since this part is for a research paper - the article class would be more appropriate but the report class has been used for the rest of the document as numbering hierarchy such as 1.1 is desired.

     Would rather be using \papersection{Intro} so that all my sections do not include the repetitive and unnecessary 1.x


或者(这是我首选的方法),可以发出 \begin{x} ... \end{x} 环境命令来临时重新定义正在使用的 \documentclass 模板吗?在这种情况下,它必须与嵌套环境(如 bibunits、表格、图形、方程式等)兼容。

\part{(First Part)}
\begin{PaperEnvironment}% open up an environment that refers to the article class

    Can I change documentclass templates mid stream?  If so, I don't have to redefine section anymore...


正在使用基于报告模板的自定义 cls 文件准备文档。目前我无法切换到回忆录、书籍、scrreport 等。


除非您单独编译子文档并将编译后的文件包含在诸如 之类的包中,否则无法在单个文档中使用多个文档类。pdfpages如果那不是一个选项,您可以定义一个新环境 -paper比如 - 在环境开头排版章节时删除章节编号,并在结尾恢复它。这比复制整个\section命令更简单,因为我们只需更改\thesection


\chapter{Chapter First}
\section{Kant Again}
\chapter{Chapter Second}
\part{(First Part)}
     Since this part is for a research paper - the article class would be more appropriate but the report class has been used for the rest of the document as numbering hierarchy such as 1.1 is desired.

     Would rather be using \section{Intro} so that all my sections do not include the repetitive and unnecessary 1.x
\part{Second Part}
\chapter{More Kant}
\section{Kant Keeps Going}

