我正在使用 natbib 包。我想用单个命令控制 bib 样式\numberedref
命令在 tex 文件中可用,则输出显示在编号参考列表所有引文链接都应以编号形式显示。如果默认情况下该命令不可用,则应显示作者年份参考。这将发生无需改变参考列表项,例如\bibitem[Sabatinis et al., 1999]{Sabatini:1999}
但我不知道这个想法 如何控制用户定义的单个命令\numberedref
我的下面的 tex 文件提到:
\bibpunct[, ]{(}{)}{;}{a}{\color{gray},}{,}
\gdef\@editor{\raggedright \textbf{Edited by:}\newline #1}}
\gdef\@reviewer{\raggedright \textbf{Reviewed by:}\newline #1}}
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apptotikzsetting={\tikzset{mdfframetitlebackground/.append style={%
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\mdtheorem[style=theoremstyle]{keybox}{KEY CONCEPT}
\title{Hormonal crosstalk for root development: a combined experimental and modeling perspective}
\author[1]{Junli Liu}
\author[2]{James Rowe}
\author[2]{Keith Lindsey}
\affil[1]{Integrative Cell Biology Laboratory, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, The Bio physical Sciences Institute, Durham University, Durham, UK}
\affil[1]{Integrative Cell Biology Laboratory, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, The Bio physical Sciences Institute, Durham University, Durham, UK}
\reviewer{Jedrzej Jakub Szymanski, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany }
\reviewer{Dimas Mendes Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Vi\c{c}osa, Brazil}
\correspondence{Keith Lindsey is Professor of Plant Molecular Biology.}
\abstract{Plants are sessile organisms and therefore they must adapt their growth and architecture to a changing environment.}
\metanote{$\dagger$Joint corresponding authors}
\keywords{root development, POLARIS peptide, hormonal crosstalk, osmotic stress, kinetic modelin}
Hormone signaling systems coordinate plant \hfilneg}
Patterning in Arabidopsis root development is coordinated via a localized auxin concentration maximum in the root tip (\citealp{Sabatini:1999}), requiring the regulated expression of speciÞc genes. This auxin gradient has been hypothesized to be sink-driven (\citealp{Friml:2002}) and com- putational modeling suggests that auxin efßux carrier activity may be sufÞcient to generate the gradient in the absence of auxin biosynthesis in the root.
\bibitem[Sabatinis et al., 1999]{Sabatini:1999}Sabatini, S., Sabatini, S., Beis, D., Wolkenfelt, H., Murfett, J., Guilfoyle, T., et al. (1999). An auxin-dependent distal organizer of pattern and polarity in the Arabidopsis root. Cell 99, 463--472. doi: 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81535-4
\bibitem[Friml et al., 2002]{Friml:2002}Friml, J., Benkova, E., Blilou, I., Wisniewska, J., Hamann, T., Ljung, K., et al. (2002). AtPIN4 mediates sink-driven auxin gradients and root patterning in Arabidopsis. Cell 108, 661--673. doi: 10.1016/S0092-8674(02)00656-6