








\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\begin {table} [p]
\caption[Sample Characteristics]{\\
\textbf{Descriptive Statistics for Sample Firms targeted by Hedge Funds and Comparison to Market Indices Members}\\
This table reports descriptive statistics of sample firms targeted by hedge funds and the respective averages for US equity indices. Reported are the average values with the respective median in braces. The average for the target sample is computed as the simple average of all available data for sample members as of their respective threshold dates. The average for indices is calculated as the simple average of all index member's average as of the beginning of 2006 and all index member's average as of the end of Q3/2014.}
\label{tab: samplecharacteristics}
 Average & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Target} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{S\&P 500} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Dow Jones} & CRSP US \\
 (Median) & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Sample} & & Industrial & Total Market \\
\textbf{Size} \\
Market Cap. (in \$ mio.) & 2,264  & 30,844  & 140,556  & 5,803  \\
 & (662)  & (14,289)  & (121,225)  & (736)  \\
Total Assets (in \$1000) & 2,882  & 50,719  & 201,591  & 9,421  \\
 & (878)  & (12,523)  & (82,123)  & (886) \\
Price/Book Ratio & 3.8 & 4.6 & 4.0 & 5.6 \\
 & (2.2) & (3.1) & (3.6) & (2.2) \\
\textbf{Profitability} \\
Earnings per Share (in \$) & -1.22 & 10.45  & 2.09  & -157.46 \\
 & (0.14)  & (1.25)  & (1.77)  & (0.49)  \\
P/E Ratio & 42.5 & 26.0 & 17.0 & 48.1 \\
 & (19.6) & (19.3) & (17.4) & (19.6) \\
ROE & 4.3\% & 22.6\% & 23.3\% & 3.1\% \\
 & (7.2\%) & (16.1\%) & (21.0\%) & (9.9\%) \\
ROA & -0.7\% & 7.5\% & 8.7\% & -58.3\% \\
 & (3.2\%) & (6.6\%) & (8.2\%) & (3.0\%) \\
Dividend Yield & 17.8\% & 1.8\% & 2.3\% & 1.4\% \\
 & (1.8\%) & (1.4\%) & (2.3\%) & (0.1\%) \\
\textbf{Debt Capacity} \\
Total Debt to Assets & 24.0\% & 24.4\% & 23.2\% & 52.8\% \\
 & (18.2\%) & (22.5\%) & (20.6\%) & (16.2\%) \\
Leverage & 3.3 & 4.6 & 4.1 & 4.9 \\
 & (2.1) & (2.5) & (2.5) & (2.2) \\






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  Descriptive Statistics for Sample Firms targeted by Hedge Funds
  and Comparison to Market Indices Members
  \firstpart{Descriptive Statistics for Sample Firms targeted by Hedge Funds
    and Comparison to Market Indices Members}
  \secondpart{This table reports descriptive statistics of sample firms targeted
   by hedge funds and the respective averages for US equity indices. Reported
   are the average values with the respective median in braces. The average
   for the target sample is computed as the simple average of all available
   data for sample members as of their respective threshold dates. The
   average for indices is calculated as the simple average of all index
   member's average as of the beginning of 2006 and all index member's
   average as of the end of Q3/2014.}
}\label{tab: samplecharacteristics}

\begin{tabular}{l *{4}{>{$}r<{$}}}
Average & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Target} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{S\&P 500} &
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{Dow Jones} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{CRSP US} \\
(Median) & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Sample} & &
  \multicolumn{1}{c}{Industrial} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Total Market} \\
\textbf{Size} \\
Market Cap. (in \$ mio.) & 2,264  & 30,844  & 140,556  & 5,803  \\
 & (662)  & (14,289)  & (121,225)  & (736)  \\
Total Assets (in \$1000) & 2,882  & 50,719  & 201,591  & 9,421  \\
 & (878)  & (12,523)  & (82,123)  & (886) \\
Price/Book Ratio & 3.8 & 4.6 & 4.0 & 5.6 \\
 & (2.2) & (3.1) & (3.6) & (2.2) \\
\textbf{Profitability} \\
Earnings per Share (in \$) & -1.22 & 10.45  & 2.09  & -157.46 \\
 & (0.14)  & (1.25)  & (1.77)  & (0.49)  \\
P/E Ratio & 42.5 & 26.0 & 17.0 & 48.1 \\
 & (19.6) & (19.3) & (17.4) & (19.6) \\
ROE & 4.3\% & 22.6\% & 23.3\% & 3.1\% \\
 & (7.2\%) & (16.1\%) & (21.0\%) & (9.9\%) \\
ROA & -0.7\% & 7.5\% & 8.7\% & -58.3\% \\
 & (3.2\%) & (6.6\%) & (8.2\%) & (3.0\%) \\
Dividend Yield & 17.8\% & 1.8\% & 2.3\% & 1.4\% \\
 & (1.8\%) & (1.4\%) & (2.3\%) & (0.1\%) \\
\textbf{Debt Capacity} \\
Total Debt to Assets & 24.0\% & 24.4\% & 23.2\% & 52.8\% \\
 & (18.2\%) & (22.5\%) & (20.6\%) & (16.2\%) \\
Leverage & 3.3 & 4.6 & 4.1 & 4.9 \\
 & (2.1) & (2.5) & (2.5) & (2.2) \\






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\caption[Descriptive Statistics]{Descriptive Statistics for Sample Firms targeted by Hedge Funds and Comparison to Market Indices Members} \label{tab:samplecharacteristics}

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l *{4}{S} @{}}
\multicolumn{5}{@{}p{\textwidth}@{}}{This table reports descriptive statistics of sample firms targeted by hedge funds and the respective averages for US equity indices. Reported are the average values with the respective median in parentheses. The average for the target sample is computed as the simple average of all available data for sample members as of their respective threshold dates. The average for indices is calculated as the simple average of all index members' average as of the beginning of 2006 and all index members' average as of the end of Q3/2014.}\\
& \multicolumn{1}{C}{Target Sample} 
& \multicolumn{1}{C}{S\&P 500} 
& \multicolumn{1}{C}{Dow Jones Industrial} 
& \multicolumn{1}{C@{}}{CRSP US Total Mkt} \\
\textbf{Size} \\
Market Cap., in \$ mio. & {2,264} & {30,844} & {140,556} & {5,803} \\
& {(662)} & {(14,289)} & {(121,225)} & {(736)} \\[1ex]
Total Assets, in \$1,000 & {2,882} & {50,719} & {201,591} & {9,421} \\
& {(878)} & {(12,523)} & {(82,123)} & {(886)} \\[1ex]
Price/Book Ratio & 3.8 & 4.6 & 4.0 & 5.6 \\
& (2.2) & (3.1) & (3.6) & (2.2) \\
\textbf{Profitability} \\
Earnings per Share, in \$ & -1.22 & 10.45 & 2.09 & -157.46 \\
& (0.14) & (1.25) & (1.77) & (0.49) \\[1ex]
P/E Ratio & 42.5 & 26.0 & 17.0 & 48.1 \\
& (19.6) & (19.3) & (17.4) & (19.6) \\[1ex]
ROE, in \% & 4.3 & 22.6 & 23.3 & 3.1 \\
& (7.2) & (16.1) & (21.0) & (9.9) \\[1ex]
ROA, in \% & -0.7 & 7.5 & 8.7 & -58.3 \\
& (3.2) & (6.6) & (8.2) & (3.0) \\[1ex]
Dividend Yield, in \% & 17.8 & 1.8 & 2.3 & 1.4 \\
& (1.8) & (1.4) & (2.3) & (0.1) \\
\textbf{Debt Capacity} \\
Total Debt to Assets, in \% & 24.0 & 24.4 & 23.2 & 52.8 \\
 & (18.2) & (22.5) & (20.6) & (16.2) \\[1ex]
Leverage & 3.3 & 4.6 & 4.1 & 4.9 \\
& (2.1) & (2.5) & (2.5) & (2.2) \\



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\begin {table} [p]
  \caption[Sample Characteristics]{
    \textbf{Descriptive Statistics for Sample Firms targeted by Hedge Funds and Comparison to Market Indices Members}\\[3ex]
    \parbox{\linewidth}{This table reports descriptive statistics of sample firms targeted by hedge funds and the respective averages for US equity indices. Reported are the average values with the respective median in braces. The average for the target sample is computed as the simple average of all available data for sample members as of their respective threshold dates. The average for indices is calculated as the simple average of all index member's average as of the beginning of 2006 and all index member's average as of the end of Q3/2014.}}
  \label{tab: samplecharacteristics}
    \makecell{Average \\ (Median)} & {\thead{Target\\Sample}} & {\thead{S\&P 500}} & {\thead{Dow Jones\\ Industrial}} & {\thead{CRSP US\\Total Market}} \\
    \textbf{Size} \\
    Market Cap. (in \$\, mio.) & {2,264} & {30,844} & {140,556} & {5,803} \\
                                & {(662)} & {(14,289)} & {(121,225)} & {(736)} \\[1ex]
    Total Assets (in \$\,1,000) & {2,882} & {50,719} & {201,591} & {9,421} \\
                                & {(878)} & {(12,523)} & {(82,123)} & {(886)} \\[1ex]
    Price/Book Ratio & 3.8 & 4.6 & 4.0 & 5.6 \\
                                & {(2.2)} & {(3.1)} & {(3.6)} & {(2.2)} \\
    \textbf{Profitability} \\
    Earnings per Share (in \$) & -1.22 & 10.45 & 2.09 & -157.46 \\
                                & {(0.14)} & {(1.25)} & {(1.77)} & {(0.49)} \\[1ex]
    P/E Ratio & 42.5 & 26.0 & 17.0 & 48.1 \\
                                & {(19.6)} & {(19.3)} & {(17.4)} & {(19.6)} \\[1ex]
    ROE~(\%) & 4.3 & 22.6 & 23.3 & 3.1 \\
                                & {(7.2)} & {(16.1)} & {(21.0)} & {(9.9)} \\[1ex]
    ROA~(\%) & -0.7 & 7.5 & 8.7 & -58.3 \\
                                & {(3.2)} & {(6.6)} & {(8.2)} & {(3.0)} \\[1ex]
    Dividend Yield~(\%) & 17.8 & 1.8 & 2.3 & 1.4 \\
                                & {(1.8)} & {(1.4)} & {(2.3)} & {(0.1)} \\
    \textbf{Debt Capacity} \\
    Total Debt to Assets~(\%) & 24.0 & 24.4 & 23.2 & 52.8 \\
                                & {(18.2)} & {(22.5)} & {(20.6)} & {(16.2)} \\[1ex]
    Leverage & 3.3 & 4.6 & 4.1 & 4.9 \\
                                & {(2.1)} & {(2.5)} & {(2.5)} & {(2.2)} \\





\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\begin {table} [p]
\caption[Sample Characteristics]{\label{tab: samplecharacteristics}}
\parbox{\textwidth}{{\centering\textbf{Descriptive Statistics for Sample Firms targeted by Hedge Funds and Comparison to Market Indices Members}\par\medskip}
This table reports descriptive statistics of sample firms targeted by hedge funds and the respective averages for US equity indices. Reported are the average values with the respective median in braces. The average for the target sample is computed as the simple average of all available data for sample members as of their respective threshold dates. The average for indices is calculated as the simple average of all index member's average as of the beginning of 2006 and all index member's average as of the end of Q3/2014.
 Average & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Target} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{S\&P 500} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Dow Jones} & CRSP US \\
 (Median) & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Sample} & & Industrial & Total Market \\
\textbf{Size} \\
Market Cap. (in \$ mio.) & 2,264  & 30,844  & 140,556  & 5,803  \\
 & (662)  & (14,289)  & (121,225)  & (736)  \\
Total Assets (in \$1000) & 2,882  & 50,719  & 201,591  & 9,421  \\
 & (878)  & (12,523)  & (82,123)  & (886) \\
Price/Book Ratio & 3.8 & 4.6 & 4.0 & 5.6 \\
 & (2.2) & (3.1) & (3.6) & (2.2) \\
\textbf{Profitability} \\
Earnings per Share (in \$) & -1.22 & 10.45  & 2.09  & -157.46 \\
 & (0.14)  & (1.25)  & (1.77)  & (0.49)  \\
P/E Ratio & 42.5 & 26.0 & 17.0 & 48.1 \\
 & (19.6) & (19.3) & (17.4) & (19.6) \\
ROE & 4.3\% & 22.6\% & 23.3\% & 3.1\% \\
 & (7.2\%) & (16.1\%) & (21.0\%) & (9.9\%) \\
ROA & -0.7\% & 7.5\% & 8.7\% & -58.3\% \\
 & (3.2\%) & (6.6\%) & (8.2\%) & (3.0\%) \\
Dividend Yield & 17.8\% & 1.8\% & 2.3\% & 1.4\% \\
 & (1.8\%) & (1.4\%) & (2.3\%) & (0.1\%) \\
\textbf{Debt Capacity} \\
Total Debt to Assets & 24.0\% & 24.4\% & 23.2\% & 52.8\% \\
 & (18.2\%) & (22.5\%) & (20.6\%) & (16.2\%) \\
Leverage & 3.3 & 4.6 & 4.1 & 4.9 \\
 & (2.1) & (2.5) & (2.5) & (2.2) \\

