如何以类似 APA 的格式获取每章的参考页

如何以类似 APA 的格式获取每章的参考页

我正在尝试以 APA 格式获取以下内容。

  title = {Practical Temperature Measurement},
  publisher = {Butterworth - Heinemann},
  year = {2001},
  author = {Childs, Peter R N},
  address = {Great Britain},
  edition = {1},
  isbn = {0 7506 5080 X}

  author = {Hashemian, Hashem Mehrdad},
  title = {Measurements of dynamic temperatures and pressures in nuclear power plants},
  school = {{The University of Western Ontario}},
  year = {2011},
  type = {PhD {T}hesis}


 \chapter{First chapter}
 Some text \cite{childs_temperature}.

 \chapter{Second chapter}
 Some text \cite{hashemian}.


我尝试改成\usepackage[style=numeric,backend=bibtex]{biblatex}\usepackage[style=apalike,backend=bibtex]{biblatex}但一直出现错误。我怎样才能获得类似 APA 风格的参考文献?我是 LaTeX 新手,希望能得到分步说明。
