带有 xkeyval、fp 和 newcommand 的库

带有 xkeyval、fp 和 newcommand 的库

在网上搜索过,但没找到任何解决方案。我在定义库结构(xkeyval)时遇到了一些问题,其中使用了 FPeval 计算,然后将此信息/计算传递给文档中的 FPeval。我基本上想创建一个大型的键/值库,并用它们进行一系列计算:

\usepackage{fp}% http://ctan.org/pkg/fp
\usepackage{xkeyval}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xkeyval
\usepackage{siunitx} %Adding SI-prefixes
exponent-to-prefix = true,
round-mode         = figures,
round-precision    = 3,
scientific-notation = engineering
\newcommand \Family[1]{\setkeys{RESFamily}{#1}}%
\define@key{RESFamily}{Name}{ \newcommand \RESFamilyName{#1} }%
\define@key{RESFamily}{Value}{ \newcommand \RESFamilyValue{#1} }%
    Name = Some text here,%
    Value = ,%Value is added in the LIBRARY components
\newcommand \defRES[3]{%START of \defRES
    \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Name\endcsname{\csname RES#2Name\endcsname}%
    \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Value\endcsname{#3}% 1
%With this now i am having problems
    \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Max\endcsname{% START of MAX FPeval
        \ensuremath{\FPeval{\RtmpMax}{round( \csname #1Value\endcsname * (1+20/100) :4 )}}\RtmpMax%
    }%END of MAX FPeval
\ignorespaces}%END of \defRES

test = \RoneName\\
test = \RoneValue\\

\FPeval{\resultTwo}{round( 2*2 :2)}
test2 = 2 * 2 =\resultTwo\\

\FPeval{\resultThree}{round( \RoneValue * \RoneValue :2)}
test3 = \RoneValue * \RoneValue = \resultThree\\
test3a = \RoneValue * \RoneValue = \num{\resultThree}\\
%until now everything OK

test3a = \num[parse-numbers=false]{\RoneMax}\\% this offcourse works
%now NOK
test3a = \num{\RoneMax}
\FPeval{\resultFour}{round( \RoneMax * \RoneMax :2)}
test3 = \resultFour \\
test3a = \num{\resultFour}




\newcommand \defRES[3]{%START of \defRES
    \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Name\endcsname{\csname RES#2Name\endcsname}%
    \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1Value\endcsname{#3}% 1 %
    \FPeval{#1Max}{round( \csname #1Value\endcsname * (1+20/100) :4 )}%
\ignorespaces}%END of \defRES

现在我可以从 打印出一个数字(不带参数) \num,并且它也可以用于进一步的计算。\SI[parse-numbers=false]\FPeval
