下面是我的 MWE。我尝试尽可能地减少它,但很难阻止问题出现:实际上,我发现很奇怪,即使删除它\marginpar
我猜这可能是由于 TeX 试图“填充”页面的方式,但我希望在调用它的页面上保留一个脚注,除非在特殊情况下。我知道我的 MWE 听起来可能很“人为”,但它来自一篇普通的数学论文。
(这里建议:将所有脚注保留在相应页面上) 没有帮助。
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Lorem ipsum.\footnote{Footnote in the wrong page.}
Lorem ipsum\par
Lorem ipsum\par
Lorem ipsum.
\marginpar{Lorem ipsum}
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\textbf{Step \thestep.} \textit{#1}%
It is easy to prove by induction that for any $x\in I$ and for any positive integer $k\le r$ it holds:
\frac{d^k\Psi(\phi)}{dx^k}=H_k\left(x,\,\phi'(f(x)),\,\phi''(f(x)),\dots,\, \phi^{(k)}(f(x))\right).
Again by induction, it is evident that each $H_k$ is of the form
H_k(x, y_1, \dots, y_k) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} h_{k,i}(x)y_i
where $h_{k,i}$ are continuous functions of $x$ and $h_{k,k} = s^{-1}f'(x)^k$.
Now let $\phi$ be a generic solution of Schröder's equation, and let
\eta_1 = \phi'(0),\quad \eta_2 = \phi''(0), \quad \dots\quad \eta_r = \phi^{(r)}(0).
From~\eqref{e:higher_derivatives_psi} we deduce that for $k=1,\dots,r$ we have
\eta_k = H_k(0, \eta_1,\dots,\eta_k).
This condition is trivial for $k=1$, since it follows directly from the definition of $H_1$, and it does not impose any condition on $\eta_1$. Conversely, if we fix $\eta_1 = \eta$, then each $\eta_k$ ($2\le k\le r$) is uniquely determined by the recurrent relation
\underbrace{\left(1-\frac{f'(0)^k}{s}\right)}_{\displaystyle=1-s^{k-1}\ne0}\eta_k=\sum_{i=1}^{k-1} h_{k,i}(0)\eta_i
as it follows directly from~\eqref{e:hk_form} and~\eqref{e:etacondition}.
\step{Assumptions and choice of constants}
We assume without loss of generality that $0$ is the left endpoint of~$I$.\footnote{If $0$ is in the interior of $I$, one can consider the two intervals $I_1=I\cap(-\infty,0]$ and $I_2=I\cap[0,+\infty)$.}
For $i=1,\dots,r$ and for any nonnegative real $\tau$ such that $[0,\tau]\in I$, let
L_i(\tau) = \max_{x\in[0,\tau]}|h_{r,i}(x)|,
where $h_{r,i}$ are the continuous functions defined in~\eqref{e:hk_form}. It follows from~\eqref{e:hk_form} that for any $x\in[0,\tau]$ and for $k\in1,\dots,r$,
\left|H_k(x,y_1,\dots,y_k)-H_k(x,z_1,\dots,z_k)\right|\le\sum_{i=1}^{k} L_i(\tau)|y_i-z_i|.
The above Lipschitz condition will be useful to prove that the operator $\Psi$ is a contraction.
Now let us choose a sufficiently small $\tau$ such that
\sum_{i=1}^r\,L_i(\tau)\frac{\tau^{r-i}}{(r-i)!} < 1.
The existence of $\tau$ is guaranteed because the left-hand side of~\eqref{e:sigma} is continuous with respect to $\tau$ and equals $0$ when $\tau=0$.
From now on, we denote by $T$ the interval $[0,\tau]$.
\step{The complete metric space $\mathcal{F}$}
\usepackage[proportional, oldstyle]{cochineal}
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\textbf{Step \thestep.} \textit{#1}%
It is easy to prove by induction that for any $x\in I$ and for any positive integer $k\le r$ it holds:
\frac{d^k\Psi(\phi)}{dx^k}=H_k\left(x,\,\phi'(f(x)),\,\phi''(f(x)),\dots,\, \phi^{(k)}(f(x))\right).
Again by induction, it is evident that each $H_k$ is of the form
H_k(x, y_1, \dots, y_k) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} h_{k,i}(x)y_i
where $h_{k,i}$ are continuous functions of $x$ and $h_{k,k} = s^{-1}f'(x)^k$.
Now let $\phi$ be a generic solution of Schröder's equation, and let
\eta_1 = \phi'(0),\quad \eta_2 = \phi''(0), \quad \dots\quad \eta_r = \phi^{(r)}(0).
From~\eqref{e:higher_derivatives_psi} we deduce that for $k=1,\dots,r$ we have
\eta_k = H_k(0, \eta_1,\dots,\eta_k).
This condition is trivial for $k=1$, since it follows directly from the definition of $H_1$, and it does not impose any condition on $\eta_1$. Conversely, if we fix $\eta_1 = \eta$, then each $\eta_k$ ($2\le k\le r$) is uniquely determined by the recurrent relation
\underbrace{\left(1-\frac{f'(0)^k}{s}\right)}_{\displaystyle=1-s^{k-1}\ne0}\eta_k=\sum_{i=1}^{k-1} h_{k,i}(0)\eta_i
as it follows directly from~\eqref{e:hk_form} and~\eqref{e:etacondition}.
\step{Assumptions and choice of constants}
We assume without loss of generality that $0$ is the left endpoint of~$I$.\footnote{If $0$ is in the interior of $I$, one can consider the two intervals $I_1=I\cap(-\infty,0]$ and $I_2=I\cap[0,+\infty)$.}
For $i=1,\dots,r$ and for any nonnegative real $\tau$ such that $[0,\tau]\in I$, let
L_i(\tau) = \max_{x\in[0,\tau]}|h_{r,i}(x)|,
where $h_{r,i}$ are the continuous functions defined in~\eqref{e:hk_form}. It follows from~\eqref{e:hk_form} that for any $x\in[0,\tau]$ and for $k\in1,\dots,r$,
\left|H_k(x,y_1,\dots,y_k)-H_k(x,z_1,\dots,z_k)\right|\le\sum_{i=1}^{k} L_i(\tau)|y_i-z_i|.
The above Lipschitz condition will be useful to prove that the operator $\Psi$ is a contraction.
Now let us choose a sufficiently small $\tau$ such that
\sum_{i=1}^r\,L_i(\tau)\frac{\tau^{r-i}}{(r-i)!} < 1.
The existence of $\tau$ is guaranteed because the left-hand side of~\eqref{e:sigma} is continuous with respect to $\tau$ and equals $0$ when $\tau=0$.
From now on, we denote by $T$ the interval $[0,\tau]$.
\step{The complete metric space $\mathcal{F}$}