具有可选标题的 TColorBox 环境

具有可选标题的 TColorBox 环境

我正在尝试创建一个环境,允许显示带有标题作为可选参数的代码片段。如果创建了两个不同的环境,MWE 提供的修复了这个问题。我想将它们合并为一个。




    \tcbox[title = {\foot}, % The title option is present here
           before = \begin{center}, after = \end{center},
           fonttitle = \color{white}\itshape\ttfamily, colframe = blue, 
           listing only, listing options = {language = c++}

% This is included just to show how the final should look like
    \tcbox[ % The title option is removed and hence, no title bar is shown
           before = \begin{center}, after = \end{center},
           fonttitle = \color{white}\itshape\ttfamily, colframe = blue, 
           listing only, listing options = {language = c++}
    Start a list:
  \begin{enumerate}[label = \textbf{--}]
        \item Code with title:
        \begin{code}{The Title of Code}
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    return 0;
        \item Code without title:
if(x == 0){
    return 0;
    return 1;
        \item My goal is to have code without title to look like the following:
if(x == 0){
    return 0;
    return 1;


您目前没有使用可选参数,而是必须只为您的环境使用 1 个参数,并将该参数默认为空。然后在环境的第二部分中测试是否\foot为空,如果是,则不要使用密钥title,否则使用它:


        \tcbox[before = \begin{center}, after = \end{center},
               fonttitle = \color{white}\itshape\ttfamily, colframe = blue, 
               listing only, listing options = {language = c++}
        \tcbox[title = {\foot}, % The title option is present here
               before = \begin{center}, after = \end{center},
               fonttitle = \color{white}\itshape\ttfamily, colframe = blue, 
               listing only, listing options = {language = c++}

    Start a list:
  \begin{enumerate}[label = \textbf{--}]
        \item Code with title:
        \begin{code}[The Title of Code]
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    return 0;
        \item Code without title:
if(x == 0){
    return 0;
    return 1;

