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\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % <=========================================

\usepackage{booktabs} % <=============================================== missing!


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% SEC1
\section{Does Inter-Municipal Cooperation Really Reduce Delivery Costs? An Empirical Evaluation of the Role of Scale Economies, Transaction Costs, and Governance Arrangements}
\subsection{Motivation and Objectives}

Therefore, our first hypothesis states the following:%\\  % <=========== no! never!
%\\  % <================================================================ no! never!

\textbf{Hypothesis 1: Studies of small municipalities tend to find IMC more cost-advantageous.}

\begin{longtable}{l l l} % <============================================ 3 columns
\caption{Multivariate studies included in the meta-regression analysis}\label{subsec:Intro/table}\\
\textbf{Study}                    & \textbf{Service} & \textbf{Effect}\\ 
Bel \& Costas (2006)              & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Sørensen (2007)                   & solid waste      & increases costs \\
Bel \& Mur (2009)                 & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Dijkgraaf \& Gradus (2013)        & solid waste      & mixed results \\
Dijkgraaf \& Gradus (2014)        & solid waste      & no impact \\
Frère, Leprince \& Paty (2014)    & multiservice     & no impact \\
Bel, Fageda \& Mur (2014)         & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Soukopova \&  Klimovsky (2016a)   & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Soukopova \& Klimovsky (2016b)    & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Soukopova et al. (2016)           & solid waste      & increases costs \\
Niaounakis \&  Blank (2017)       & tax collection   & no impact \\
Soukopová et al. (2017)           & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Blåka (2017a)                     & fire service     & no impact \\
Soukopová \& Vaceková (2018)      & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Soukopova \& Sládecek (2018)      & solid waste      & saves costs \\
Ferraresi, Migali \& Rizzo (2018) & multiservice     & saves costs \\
Allers \& de Greef (2018)         & several services & mixed results \\
Bel, Qian \& Warner (WP)          & several services & mixed results\\ 

\begin{tabular}{ c c }
 $b_j$      & reported coefficient \\  % <==============================
 $\beta$    & true effect \\  
 $\alpha_k$ & meta-regression coefficients\\
 $Z_{jk}$   & meta-independent variables\\ % <==========================
 $e_j$      & disturbance term of the meta-regression

                  & OLS        & Robust OLS & GEE          & GLS \\
Sample Size       & 6.78E-05   & 6.78E-05*  & 7.15E-05**   & 1.30E-04\\
Year Data         & -0.152     & -0.152     & -0.142       & -0.034\\
US                & -1.790*    & -1.790     & -1.831       & -4.101\\
Multi-Service 1   & 4.185***   & 4.185***   & 4.185***     & 3.290***\\
Panel             & -3.727***  & -3.727***  & -3.820**     & -5.377**\\
Population        & 4.65E-06** & 4.65E-06** & 4.44E-06***  & 3.85E-05***\\
Transaction Costs & -0.777     & -0.777     & -0.782       & -0.320\\
Delegation        & -5.473***  & -5.473***  & -5.377***    & -5.498***\\
Constant          & 306.799    & 306.799    & 287.147      & 70.857\\

\label{subsec:Intro/rfs} % <====================================== ?????

See Table \ref{table:table-1} in Section \ref{subsec:Intro/table}  for details.


我用 标记了重要的代码更改<==========


Therefore, our first hypothesis states the following:%\\  % <=========== no! never!
%\\  % <================================================================ no! never!

您的第一个 longtable 被定义为使用 4 列,但您只有三列的数据。表格的开头应该有标题,请注意标签必须跟在命令后面\caption。请注意,longtable 命令\caption{...}\label{}\\必须以以下内容结尾\\

\begin{longtable}{l l l} % <============================================ 3 columns
\caption{Multivariate studies included in the meta-regression analysis}\label{subsec:Intro/table}\\
\textbf{Study}                    & \textbf{Service} & \textbf{Effect}\\ 
Bel \& Costas (2006)              & solid waste      & saves costs \\



\begin{tabular}{ c c }
 $b_j$      & reported coefficient \\  % <==============================
 $\beta$    & true effect \\  
 $\alpha_k$ & meta-regression coefficients\\
 $Z_{jk}$   & meta-independent variables\\ % <==========================
 $e_j$      & disturbance term of the meta-regression

请注意,您必须使用$Z_{jk}$索引 jk! 来获取 Z,$Z_j_k$这完全是错误的!


                  & OLS        & Robust OLS & GEE          & GLS \\
Sample Size       & 6.78E-05   & 6.78E-05*  & 7.15E-05**   & 1.30E-04\\
Year Data         & -0.152     & -0.152     & -0.142       & -0.034\\
US                & -1.790*    & -1.790     & -1.831       & -4.101\\
Multi-Service 1   & 4.185***   & 4.185***   & 4.185***     & 3.290***\\
Panel             & -3.727***  & -3.727***  & -3.820**     & -5.377**\\
Population        & 4.65E-06** & 4.65E-06** & 4.44E-06***  & 3.85E-05***\\
Transaction Costs & -0.777     & -0.777     & -0.782       & -0.320\\
Delegation        & -5.473***  & -5.473***  & -5.377***    & -5.498***\\
Constant          & 306.799    & 306.799    & 287.147      & 70.857\\

\label{subsec:Intro/rfs} % <====================================== ?????




以及表 2 和表 3:

表 2 和表 3









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