

您能解释一下投影仪中的框架到底是什么吗?框架与幻灯片有何不同?我正在尝试从 MS PowerPoint 转换到,beamer并希望清楚地理解这些概念。





\begin{frame}[t,label=frameA]{This is the first frame}
    This frame contains code that:

        \item Will be visible in all the slides of the frame like this line and everything above this \pause
        \item Will be visible after some slide number inside the frame
        and the upcoming slides of it like this particular text that appears after the second slide until the end of the frame.\pause
        \item \alt<3>{Will be different from a slide to the next slide but will occupy the same place -Check this text in the next line-}{Text changed}\pause
        \item We can refer and link to slide 2 of the next frame (labeled `frameB') by writing\\ \texttt{\textbackslash hypertarget$<$2$>$\{frameA\}\{\textbackslash beamerbutton\{I'm on the second slide\}\}}\\in that frame and calling it from here by the command:\\
        \texttt{\textbackslash hyperlink\{labelB2\}\{Press here\}}
    \hyperlink{labelB2}{Press here (to skip slide 1 of frameB)}

\begin{frame}[label=frameB]{Second frame}
    \alt<1>{First Slide}{}
    \alt<2>{Second Slide\par
    \hypertarget<2>{labelB2}{\beamerbutton{I’m on thesecond slide}}}{}




\begin{frame}[label=frameA]{This is the first frame}
    This frame contains code that:

        \item Will be visible in all the slides of the frame like this line and everything above this
        \item Will be visible in all tlides inside the frame.
        \item Will the same from a slide to the next slide.
        \item We can refer and link to slide 2 of the next frame (labeled `frameB') by writing\\ \{frameA\}\{\textbackslash beamerbutton\{I'm on the second slide\}\}}\\in that frame and calling it from here by the command:\\
        \texttt{\textbackslash hyperlink\{labelB2\}\{Press here\}}
    \hyperlink{labelB}{Press here (to skip slide 1 of frameB)}

\begin{frame}[label=frameB]{Second frame}
    First and only Slide\par
    \hypertarget{labelB}{\beamerbutton{I’m on thesecond slide}}
