知道如何将 X 轴改为 0-100 吗?同时删除 10^-2 并将 Y 轴改为 0-0.025?谢谢。
\addplot [ybar interval, mark=no] plot coordinates
{(0,0.0043973941368078175) (0.1,0.006677524429967427) (0.2,0.016938110749185668)
(0.3,0.02280130293159609) (0.4,0.0250814332247557) (0.5,0.016042345276872965) (0.6,0.006758957654723126) (0.7,0.0038273615635179142) (0.8,0.0028501628664495127) (0.9,0.0018729641693811076) (1,0.0018729641693811076)};
\caption{users’ average charge levels at start of charge \cite{hu2019modeling}}
% used PGFPlots v1.16
% don't scale y ticks ...
scaled y ticks=false,
% ... and format them properly
yticklabel style={
/pgf/number format/.cd,
fixed zerofill,
\addplot [
ybar interval,
% changed `coordinates` to a `table` because then ...
] table [
% ... it is easy to manipulate the values
x expr=\thisrow{x}*100,
] {
x y
0.0 0.0043973941368078175
0.1 0.006677524429967427
0.2 0.016938110749185668
0.3 0.02280130293159609
0.4 0.0250814332247557
0.5 0.016042345276872965
0.6 0.006758957654723126
0.7 0.0038273615635179142
0.8 0.0028501628664495127
0.9 0.0018729641693811076
1.0 0.0018729641693811076