是否有带有可选参数的 `\NewDocumentCommand` 或 `\newcommand` 的 `\edef` 版本?

是否有带有可选参数的 `\NewDocumentCommand` 或 `\newcommand` 的 `\edef` 版本?





\foreach \x in {one, two}{
    % I would want to use \eNewDocumentCommand here

\expandafter\show\csname one code\endcsname  % seems to show the "real" macro
\one  % fails, because \x was not expanded at definition time


顺便问一下,您如何调试这些新命令?\show\macro是没用的...我注意到宏\csname macro code\endcsname提供了在解析/扩展后查看宏的机会(如果)...





  \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
    \exp_args:Nc \NewDocumentCommand { ##1 } { } { ##1 }















\foreach \x in {one, two, \today}{



= \csname September 5, 2019\endcsname


如果有人真的想争论充分使用新的 TeX 引擎进行扩展,可以\expanded引入



这就是你要去的地方吗?也就是说,你有来自\newcommand或 的论据,甚至还有\xparse来自 的结果\xdef


\newcommand{\createname}[2]{% #1 = name, #2=contents
  \expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname{#2}}

\foreach \x in {one, two}{\createname{\x}{\x}}






%%  \name <token sequence _without_ curly braces>{<tokens that yield the sequence "macroname">}  
%%  -> <token sequence _without_ curly braces>\macroname
%%  Examples: \name{bar} -> \bar
%%            \name\newcommand*{bar}... -> \newcommand*\bar...
%%            \name\outer\global\long\def{bar}...  -> \outer\global\long\def\bar...
%%            \name\string{bar} -> \string\bar
%%            \name\name\let{foo}={bar} 
%%               -> \name\let\foo={bar}
%%               -> \let\foo=\bar
%% The gist of the trick is: Due to #1#-notation \name processes one
%% argument which is delimited by a left-curly-brace.
%% Unlike other argument-delimiters the delimiting left-curly-brace will
%% not be removed but will be left in place when (La)TeX reads the
%% argument.
%% The tokens at the left of the delimiting left-curly-brace are to be
%% prepended after applying \csname...\endcsname to the tokens nested in
%% curly braces.
\csname @ifdefinable\endcsname\name{%
  \expandafter\exchange\expandafter{\csname#2\endcsname}{ #1}%
%% Scratch macro for accumulating calls to \NewDocumentCommand:
%% (Due to tikz's `\foreach` doing each iteration within a
%%  local scope accumulating needs to be done via global
%%  assignments, e.g.,in terms of \g@addto@macro.)

\foreach \x in {one, two}{%
    \romannumeral0% <-\romannumeral keeps searching digits, hereby expanding expandable things until
                  % finding something, e.g., a space, that terminates the digit-sequence.
                  % (\romannumeral will remove spaces that terminate digit sequences.)
      \name\passfirsttosecond{\x}{ \NewDocumentCommand}{}%<- the space before  \NewDocumentCommand
    }%                                                   %   must be as it terminates \romannumeral0's
  }%                                                     %   searching for more digits. Thus \romannumeral 
}%                                                       %   only finds the non-positive number 0, swallows
                                                         %   that number not returning any token for it.

  Show the toplevel-definitions done by \string\NewDocumentCommand:^^J^^J%


  You can also have a nice name-show also exhibiting the^^J%
  internal commands defined by \string\NewDocumentCommand:^^J^^J%

\name\show{one }
\name\show{one code}

\name\show{two }
\name\show{two code}







另一种变体是,通过以下方式对用户级宏和内部宏的分配进行\NewDocumentCommand“全球化” :\globel\let⟨macro⟩=⟨macro⟩


%%  \name <token sequence _without_ curly braces>{<tokens that yield the sequence "macroname">}  
%%  -> <token sequence _without_ curly braces>\macroname
%%  Examples: \name{bar} -> \bar
%%            \name\newcommand*{bar}... -> \newcommand*\bar...
%%            \name\outer\global\long\def{bar}...  -> \outer\global\long\def\bar...
%%            \name\string{bar} -> \string\bar
%%            \name\name\let{foo}={bar} 
%%               -> \name\let\foo={bar}
%%               -> \let\foo=\bar
%% The gist of the trick is: Due to #1#-notation \name processes one
%% argument which is delimited by a left-curly-brace.
%% Unlike other argument-delimiters the delimiting left-curly-brace will
%% not be removed but will be left in place when (La)TeX reads the
%% argument.
%% The tokens at the left of the delimiting left-curly-brace are to be
%% prepended after applying \csname...\endcsname to the tokens nested in
%% curly braces.
\csname @ifdefinable\endcsname\name{%
  \expandafter\exchange\expandafter{\csname#2\endcsname}{ #1}%

\foreach \x in {one, two}{%
  \name\name\global\let{\x\space code}={\x\space code}%

  Show the toplevel-definitions done by \string\NewDocumentCommand:^^J^^J%


  You can also have a nice name-show also exhibiting the^^J%
  internal commands defined by \string\NewDocumentCommand:^^J^^J%

\name\show{one }
\name\show{one code}

\name\show{two }
\name\show{two code}







对于第一个示例,只有宏\scratchy会被全局更改。 \one并且\two所属的内部宏将仅在当前范围内定义。


我写“(重新)定义”是因为像\newcommandLaTeX 2e 内核那样\NewDocumentCommand,如果宏在当前范围内未定义但在某个上级范围内定义,则不会抛出错误消息。\global\let...如果要定义的控制序列已经在当前范围内或某个上级范围内定义,则也不会抛出错误消息。


\NewDocumentCommand{\foobar}{}{This is foobar}
\expandafter\show\csname foobar \endcsname
\expandafter\show\csname foobar code\endcsname

% This will throw an error-message:
\NewDocumentCommand{\foobar}{}{This is another foobar}
\expandafter\show\csname foobar \endcsname
\expandafter\show\csname foobar code\endcsname

% This will not throw an error-message... :
\NewDocumentCommand{\foobar}{}{This is yet another foobar}
\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname foobar \expandafter\endcsname\expandafter=\csname foobar \endcsname
\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname foobar code\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter=\csname foobar code\endcsname

% ... but \foobar is redefined outside the local scope also/is redefined in
% all scopes:

\expandafter\show\csname foobar \endcsname
\expandafter\show\csname foobar code\endcsname

