


我有一张水平表,上面写满了来自其他研究的观察结果。我想使用脚注来引用不同列中的观察结果,这些脚注将在表格下方的小页面环境中列出。但我的问题是脚注是垂直列出的,我希望它们水平列出(长度可能为 3 个参考文献),以便它们填满小页面上的空间。我的表格的简化图像显示了这个问题 在此处输入图片描述



\usepackage{longtable, booktabs}



\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.5} % determind line spacing in table
\renewcommand{\footnotesize}{\tiny}% fontsize of footnotes
%\shortstack{text//text} command forces line break in a cell
\begin{minipage}{200mm}% minipage for footnotes

\begin{tabular}{>{\scriptsize}c >{\scriptsize}c >{\scriptsize}c >{\scriptsize}c >{\scriptsize}c >{\scriptsize}c >{\scriptsize}c >{\scriptsize}c }

\shortstack{Column\\1} &
\shortstack{Column\\2} &
\shortstack{Column \\ 3} & 
\shortstack{Column\\ 4}  &
\shortstack{Column \\ 5} & 
\shortstack{Column \\ 6} &
\shortstack{Column\\7} & 
\shortstack{Event 1\\ (Jan 2009) \footnote{some text 1} \footnote{some text 2}}  & \shortstack{temperate} & present & & \shortstack{at friction \\ intersection}& & &  \\       
\shortstack{Event 2 \\ (1991-1997) \footnote{some text 3}} &  & \shortstack{not observed \\ (summer 2004) \footnote{some teaxt 4}} & & \small{-}\\
\shortstack{Event 3 \\ (1930s), (early 1970),\\ (2003-2005) \footnote{some text 5}\footnote{some text 6}} & temperate & \shortstack{not present,\\(July 2011) \footnote{some text 7}} & & \small{-} & & &  \\
\shortstack{Event 4\\ (early 1980s) \\ (2013-2015) \footnote{some text 8}} & \small{-} & \small{-} & 150m (1990-2010) & not detected  \\
\shortstack{Event 5 \footnote{some text 9}\\(valley glacier)} & temperate & \small{-}  \\



我建议使用以下布局,它用于booktabs水平线的 fex、tabularx表格单元格中的自动换行符以及自动与线宽一样宽的表格。对于“脚注”,我使用了threeparttable带有para选项和\tnote命令的环境。这样,您的表格就可以轻松地放入页面中,而无需减小字体,\scriptsize也无需减小\arraystretch






%\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.5} % determind line spacing in table
%\renewcommand{\footnotesize}{\tiny}% fontsize of footnotes
%\shortstack{text//text} command forces line break in a cell
%\begin{minipage}{200mm}% minipage for footnotes
Column 1 &
Column 2&
Column  3 & 
Column 4  &
Column  5 & 
Column  6 &
Column 7 & 
Column 8 
Event 1 \newline (Jan 2009)\tnote{a}\tnote{b}  & temperate & present & & at friction  intersection & & &  \\  \addlinespace
Event 2  (1991-1997)\tnote{c} &  & not observed  (summer 2004) \tnote{d} & & -- \\
Event 3  (1930s), (early 1970), (2003-2005)\tnote{e}\tnote{f} & temperate & not present, (July 2011)\tnote{g} & & -- & & &  \\
Event 4 (early 1980s) (2013-2015)\tnote{h} & -- & -- & 150m (1990-2010) & not detected  \\
Event 5\tnote{i} (valley glacier) & temperate & --  \\
\item[a] some text 1
\ite**m[b] some text 2
\item[c] some text 3
\item[d] some text 4
\item[e] some text 5
\item[f] some text 6
\item[g] some text 7
\item[h] some text 8
\item[i] some text 9
