我正在尝试将这个表格放在页面左侧,并将图表放在右下方。它们都有自己的标题。我听说过 \minipage 和 \floatrow,但我不知道最好的方法是什么。
\usepackage{tabularx} % extra features for tabular environment
\usepackage{amsmath} % improve math presentation
\usepackage{graphicx} % takes care of graphic including machinery
\usepackage[margin=0.75in,a4paper]{geometry} % decreases margins
\usepackage{cite} % takes care of citations
\usepackage[final]{hyperref} % adds hyper links inside the generated pdf file
colorlinks=true, % false: boxed links; true: colored links
linkcolor=blue, % color of internal links
citecolor=blue, % color of links to bibliography
filecolor=magenta, % color of file links
% spaces are big no-no withing labels
% things like fig: are optional in the label but it helps
% to orient yourself when you have multiple figures,
% equations and tables
Graph of all measurements taken during the experiment.
\caption{Current readings for first dip.}
\label{tbl:dip1} % spaces are big no-no withing labels
\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Potential (V)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Current (nA)} \\
8.25 & 0.5000\\
8.55 & 0.4950\\
8.77 & 0.4900\\
9.02 & 0.4900\\
9.25 & 0.5100\\
9.50 & 0.5200\\
9.75 & 0.5800\\
9.99 & 0.6000\\
% spaces are big no-no withing labels
% things like fig: are optional in the label but it helps
% to orient yourself when you have multiple figures,
% equations and tables
Graph of all measurements taken during the experiment.
\caption{Current readings for second dip.}
\label{tbl:dip1} % spaces are big no-no withing labels
\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Potential (V)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Current (nA)} \\
13.00 & 1.1300\\
13.24 & 1.1000\\
13.48 & 1.0000\\
13.75 & 0.8500\\
14.01 & 0.9000\\
14.25 & 1.0500\\
14.51 & 1.0750\\
14.74 & 1.1500\\
% spaces are big no-no withing labels
% things like fig: are optional in the label but it helps
% to orient yourself when you have multiple figures,
% equations and tables
Graph of all measurements taken during the experiment.
\caption{Current readings for third dip.}
\label{tbl:dip1} % spaces are big no-no withing labels
\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Potential (V)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Current (nA)} \\
18.50 & 2.1000\\
18.75 & 2.0000\\
19.00 & 1.9000\\
19.26 & 1.8000\\
19.50 & 1.8000\\
19.75 & 1.9000\\
19.99 & 2.0000\\
20.27 & 2.1000\\
20.48 & 2.2500\\
20.75 & 2.5000\\
% spaces are big no-no withing labels
% things like fig: are optional in the label but it helps
% to orient yourself when you have multiple figures,
% equations and tables
Graph of all measurements taken during the experiment.
\caption{Current readings for fourth dip.}
\label{tbl:dip1} % spaces are big no-no withing labels
\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Potential (V)} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Current (nA)} \\
23.52 & 3.2000\\
23.84 & 2.9500\\
24.07 & 2.7500\\
24.29 & 2.7000\\
24.51 & 2.6500\\
24.76 & 2.7000\\
24.99 & 2.7000\\
25.26 & 3.0000\\
25.50 & 3.1000\\
25.76 & 3.3500\\
% spaces are big no-no withing labels
% things like fig: are optional in the label but it helps
% to orient yourself when you have multiple figures,
% equations and tables
Graph of all measurements taken during the experiment.
编辑: 我将您的文档缩减为 MWE(最小工作示例),其中我从其序言中仅考虑与您的问题相关的包以及组合表/图像的一个示例。由此生成了上面的图像。
图片标题使用captionof{figure}{<caption text>}
\usepackage[margin=0.75in]{geometry} % decreases margins
\usepackage{tabularx} % extra features for tabular environment
\usepackage{caption} % new
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox}% it also load "graphicx"
% needed for "valign=c" option
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\usepackage[margin=0.75in]{geometry} % decreases margins
\usepackage{tabularx} % extra features for tabular environment
\usepackage{caption} % new
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox}% it also load "graphicx"
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\begin{tabular}{| c | c |}
Potential (V) & Current (nA) \\
8.25 & 0.5000\\
8.55 & 0.4950\\
8.77 & 0.4900\\
9.02 & 0.4900\\
9.25 & 0.5100\\
9.50 & 0.5200\\
9.75 & 0.5800\\
9.99 & 0.6000\\
& \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,valign=c]{example-image-duck} \\
\caption{Current readings for first dip.}
& \captionof{figure}{Graph of the first current trough.}