我只是在编写一个普通文件,当我尝试使用引用时,顺序就混乱了。我不知道为什么会发生这种情况。它就像 2-3 然后是 1。
\graphicspath{ {./Images/} }
\section{Expansion of the Universe}
\subsection{Einstein's Static World Model}
This universe model allows us to set $a = 1$ and $\dot{a}=\ddot{a}=0$ \cite{Roos}.
But Einstein did not notice that the static universe solution is at a point of unstable equilibrium \cite{Barbara}.
\subsection{The Expansion of the Universe and Hubble Law}
he was able to measure the distance of the nebulas. \cite{Hubble}
我是这样引用的。我没有引用图表。但我有小节,也许这就是它发生的原因?这是我的 bib 文件。
author = {Matts Roos},
title = {Introduction to Cosmology},
chapter = 5,
pages = {84},
publisher = { Wiley},
year = 2015,
edition = 4,
author = {Barbara Ryden},
title = {Introduction to Cosmology},
chapter = 4,
pages = {87-89},
publisher = { Cambridge University Press},
year = 2017,
edition = 2,
@article {Hubble,
author = {Hubble, Edwin},
title = {A relation between distance and radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae},
volume = {15},
number = {3},
pages = {168--173},
year = {1929},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.15.3.168},
publisher = {National Academy of Sciences},
issn = {0027-8424},
URL = {https://www.pnas.org/content/15/3/168},
eprint = {https://www.pnas.org/content/15/3/168.full.pdf},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}