我想知道是否可以在 latex 或 tikz 中重现以下图像。
\textbf{Name} \underline{SDASDASDASDSADASD \hspace{8cm} } \\
\textbf{Signature} \underline{SADASDASD \hspace{10cm}}\\
\textbf{Name} \hspace{8cm} \textbf{Name} \\\\
\underline{\hspace{5cm}} \hspace{3cm} \underline{\hspace{5cm}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=2,>=latex,block/.style={draw, fill=white, rectangle,
minimum height=3em, minimum width=6em}]
\node[circle, draw, minimum width=2] (A) {$RE$};
\node[circle, draw, minimum width=5em, right = 0.2 of A] (B) {$Gen$};
\node[circle, above right =of B] (C) {$LT$};
\node[circle, below right =of B] (D) {$V_t$};
\node[circle, below = 0 of D] (E) {$P_t$};
\node[circle, below =0 of E] (F) {$Q_t$};
\node[circle, right = 5.5 of B] (G) {};
\node[circle, above = 3 of G] (H) {HT};
\node[circle, minimum width=2em, below = 0.5 of G] (J) {};
\node[rectangle,line width=1mm, draw, minimum height=1em, minimum width=1em, below right = 1.5 and 0.5 of G] (I) {};
\node[circle, draw, inner sep=0pt, above = 1.25 of G] (K) {};
\node[circle, draw, inner sep=0pt, right = 4 of K] (L) {};
\node[circle, draw, inner sep=0pt, above = 1.65 of L] (M) {};
\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, above right = 1.4 and 0.1 of L] (N) {};
\draw[-, line width=1mm] (B) -- (A);
\draw[-, line width=1mm] (C) -- (D);
\draw[->] (E.0) -- ++ (0.6,0);
\draw[->] (F.0) -- ++ (0.6,0);
\draw[-] (B.0) -- ++ (2.8,0) arc (180:-180:4.5mm) ++ (0.6,0) arc (180:-180:4.5mm) ++ (0.9,0) -| (G.90) node[pos=-0.25,above=0.5]{Transformer} ;
\draw[-, line width=1mm] (G.270) -- (H);
\draw[-, line width=1mm] (G.90) -- (J.270) ;
\draw[-, line width=1.5mm] (J.90) -| (I.90) ;
\draw[->, line width=1.5mm] (I.270) -- ++ (0,-0.1) .. controls +(0,-0.1) and +(0,0.1) .. ++ (-.3,-.3) .. controls +(0,-0.05) and +(-0.2,-0) .. ++ (.35,0) .. controls +(.8,-0) and +(-0,0) .. ++ (-.4,-.6) ;
\draw[-] (K) -- ++ (1,0) [snake=coil,segment aspect=0.8,segment amplitude=5pt,segment length=6pt] -- ++ (2,0) [snake=coil,segment aspect=10] -- (L) node[pos=-0.95,below=0.2]{\scriptsize Transformation Line 1} ;
\draw[-, line width=1mm] (G.270) -- (H);
\draw[-, line width=1mm] (L) -- (M.90);
\draw[-, line width=1mm] (L.90) -- ++ (0,-4.6);
\draw[snake=border,segment angle=140,segment length=5pt, segment amplitude=10pt] (N) -- ++(0,-6.2) node[text width=1cm,align=center,pos=0.5,right =0.2]{Infinite bus} node[text width=1cm,align=center,pos=.95,right =-0.1]{$V_a$};
\draw[-] (L) |- ++ (-.2,-3.3);
%\draw[-] (0,3) -- ++ (1,0) [snake=coil,segment aspect=0.8,segment amplitude=5pt,segment length=6pt] %-- ++ (2,0) [snake=coil,segment aspect=10] -- (4,3) node[pos=-0.95,below=0.2]{\scriptsize %Transformation Line 1} ;
%\draw[-] (4,5) -- ++ (-1,0) [snake=coil,segment aspect=0.8,segment amplitude=5pt,segment %length=6pt] -- ++ (-2,0) [snake=coil,segment aspect=10] -- (0,5) %node[pos=-0.95,below=0.2]{\scriptsize Transformation Line 1} ;
\tikzstyle{densely dotted}=[dash pattern=on \pgflinewidth off 0.25pt]
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=2cm,>=latex,block/.style={draw, fill=white, rectangle,
minimum height=3em, minimum width=6em}]
\node[diamond, inner sep=2pt] (1) {};
\node[diamond, draw,fill=black] (3) {};
\node[diamond, inner sep=2pt, right= 5 of 3] (2) {};
\node[diamond, draw,fill=black, right= 5 of 1] (4) {};
\node[diamond, inner sep=2pt, below right = 1.4 and -0.3 of 4] (5) {};
\node[diamond, inner sep=2pt, below right = 1.4 and 3.6 of 4] (6) {};
\node[diamond, below left = 1.5 and 2.8 of 1] (7) {\textbf{dasdasdsadsadas: ~~~}};
\node[diamond, below left = -1 and -2.1 of 7] (8) {\textbf{xzczxczxczxczxc: ~~~~~}};
\node[diamond, below left = -1 and -2.1 of 8] (9) {\textbf{asdreqweqweqwee: ~~~}};
\node[diamond, below left = 0 and -2.1 of 9] (11) {\textbf{dasdas: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}};
\node[diamond, below left = -0 and -1.8 of 11] (12) {\textbf{dasdasdasd}};
\node[diamond, right = 5 of 12] (13) {\textbf{sadasdasdasd}};
\draw[-, line width=.86mm] (1) -- (2);
\draw[-, line width=.5mm] (1.-60) -- node[pos=0.5, above=0.2]{\textbf{asdasdasdasdas}} (2.240);
\draw[-, line width=.5mm] (1.60) -- node[pos=0.5,above]{} (2.120);
\draw [double, double distance between line centers=1.7, line width=.4mm] (5) -- node[pos=0.7, above=-0.08]{\textbf{ereadadssad}} (6);
\draw[densely dotted, line width=.5mm] (7.-05) -- ++ (12,0) node[pos=0.13,above]{xcvbnmmnbvc};
\draw[densely dotted, line width=.5mm] (8.-05) -- ++ (12,0) node[pos=0.41,above]{sadasdasdasdasdsadsadasdsadadsadasddsadasdasdasdsadasd};
\draw[densely dotted, line width=.5mm] (9.-05) -- ++ (12,0) node[pos=0.44,above]{sadasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdsadsadasdasdsasdasdasdasdasdsad};
\draw[densely dotted, line width=.5mm] (-2,-6) -- ++ (12,0) node[pos=0.5,above]{};
\draw[densely dotted, line width=.5mm] (11.-05) -- ++ (12,0) node[pos=0.18,above]{sadasdasdasdasdsadas};
\draw[-, line width=.5mm] (-5.6,-11) -- ++ (4,0) node[pos=0.36,below]{dsrfghbndrs};
\draw[-, line width=.5mm] (2.7,-11) -- ++ (5.2,0) node[pos=0.45,below]{sdasdasdasdasdsadd};