



如果第三个参数是 1,则应该返回 #1;如果第三个参数是 2,则应该返回 #2。有什么办法可以做到这一点吗?



  \ifcase#3 \or#1\or#2\fi

如果第三个参数既不是 1 也不是 2,则宏将不返回任何内容,但如果第三个参数不是整数,则会出现错误或垃圾。












\newcommand{\switchtwo}[3]{#(#3)}— 您所想到的语法意味着可以在扩展宏时使用“动态”表示宏的参数。#⟨whatsoever⟩

在 (La)TeX 中这是不可能的:


在扩展时用 来表示它的一个参数是不可能的。#⟨whatsoever⟩

当发生扩展时\switchto,LaTeX 从标记流中收集参数:首先,它从标记流中收集由定义文本的参数表示的参数/标记集#1。然后,它从标记流中收集由定义文本的参数表示的参数/标记集#2。然后,它从标记流中收集由定义文本的参数表示的参数/标记集#3。然后,它将这些标记集插入到替换文本中,并将其返回到标记流。

你能用 LaTeX 做什么?

大卫卡莱尔在他的回答中如何 在宏的定义文本中使用##⟨whatsoever⟩用于“动态表示”的其中一个参数其他宏,一个临时宏,在定义其他/临时宏。



只要确保第三个参数是⟨number⟩TeXbook 意义上的 — — 该数量的确切含义⟨number⟩在 TeXbook 第 24 章:垂直模式摘要中讨论 — —,你大概可以这样做:


  \romannumeral0\ifnum\number\number0#3=1 \expandafter\@firstoftwo\else\expandafter\@secondoftwo\fi
    \ifnum\number\number0#3=2 \expandafter\@firstoftwo\else\expandafter\@secondoftwo\fi
  { Error: Arg 3 is neither 1 nor 2}{{ #1}{ #2}}%













请注意,对 的第三个参数中的任意标记序列是否形成TeXbook 意义上的\switchtwo有效进行可靠测试是不可行的:⟨number⟩

任意的 token 序列可能形成任意的基于扩展的算法。因此,这样的测试包括测试任意基于扩展的算法的结果是否形成⟨number⟩TeXbook 意义上的有效结果。这反过来意味着测试任意基于扩展的算法是否完全终止(没有错误消息)。这反过来又意味着要解决停机问题。艾伦·马西森·图灵于 1936 年证明,不存在一种通用算法来解决所有可能的程序输入对的停机问题。

\switchto如果您希望检查第三个参数中包含的标记集(不进行任何扩展/评估)是否恰好由 catcode-12-(other)-character-token 组成1,或者恰好由 catcode-12-(other)-character-token2或其他内容组成,则可以通过分隔参数来完成:


%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  \@secondoftwo\string}\@firstoftwo\expandafter{} \@secondoftwo}%
  {\@firstoftwo\expandafter{} \@firstoftwo}%
%% \UD@DigitFork{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%              {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                which is to be checked is formed by a set of 
%%                tokens which contains only the catcode-12-character 1>}%
%%              {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                which is to be checked is formed by a set of 
%%                tokens which contains only the catcode-12-character 2>}%
%%              {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                which is to be checked is formed by a set of 
%%                tokens which is empty or contains something else>}%
    !#1!1!2!{#4}% empty
    !!#1!2!{#2}% 1
    !!1!#1!{#3}% 2
    !!1!2!{#4}% something else without !
  }{#4}% something else with !
%% \switchto
  \romannumeral0\UD@DigitFork{#3}{ #1}{ #2}{ Error: Arg 3 is neither 1 nor 2}%







Be aware that this variant of \verb|\switchto| does not evaluate its third argument
and that the token-set \verb|\number\value{foobar}| in any case neither does
equal the token \texttt{1$_{12}$} nor does equal the token \texttt{2$_{12}$}:









例如,您可以做类似的事情\csname @\switchtwo{first}{second}{1}oftwo\endcsname{first}{second}

通过此答案中提出的测试,第一和第二个参数的放置方式\switchtwo使得参数中不平衡的\csname/ \endcsname/ \if.../ \or/ \else/\fi不会造成干扰。

例如,您可以做类似的事情\csname @\switchtwo{\ifx AA}{\ifx AB}{1}first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname{first}{second}

\if..但请注意,大括号/组嵌套与.. \else..匹配无关\fi,因此这些事情可能会干扰周围\if.... \else..结构的.. ..匹配。\fi\if..\else\fi



该问题可以看作是从 L 个连续的非分隔参数中选择第 K 个参数的问题的一个特例。


\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}

%% Layout of this example:

%% Code for \KeepKthOfLArguments: 
%% Paraphernalia:
%% \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@PassFirstToSecond, \UD@CheckWhetherNull
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  \UD@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}%
  \UD@secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@firstoftwo}%
%% Keep only the K-th of L consecutive undelimited arguments.
%%   ( IF K < 1 OR K > L just remove L consecutive undelimited arguments. )
%% \KeepKthOfLArguments{<integer number K>}%
%%                     {<integer number L>}%
%%                     <sequence of L consecutive undelimited arguments>
%% If L < 1 yields nothing.
%% Else:
%%   If K >= 1 and K < L  yields:
%%     <K-th undelimited argument from <sequence of L consecutive undelimited 
%%      arguments>>
%%   If K < 1 or K > L
%%     (-> there is no K-th argument in the
%%         <sequence of L consecutive undelimited arguments> )
%%   yields nothing  but removal of <sequence of L consecutive 
%%          undelimited arguments>
  % #1: <integer number K>
  % #2: <integer number L>
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000\expandafter}%
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#2 000}%
  % #1: <K letters m>
  % #2: <L letters m >
  \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{% K is smaller than one:
    \UD@KeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{#2}{ }{}%
  }{% K is not smaller than one:
  % #1: <K letters m>  
  % #2: <L letters m>
  % (For detecting whether K>L or K<=L, during the loop letters m will
  %  be removed both from #1 and #2 until at least one of these arguments 
  %  is empty.
  %  When the loop terminates with 0<K<=L, #1 will be empty and #2
  %  will hold an amount of letters m corresponding to the the 
  %  difference L-K.
  %  When the loop terminates with K>L, #1 will not be empty and #2
  %  will be empty.
  % )
  % #3: <K-1 letters m>
  % #4: <L letters m>
  % (#3 and #4 will be left untouched during the loop so they can be 
  %  used for performing appropriate action when loop terminates as
  %  it is known whether K>L.)
  \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{% We have K<=L:
       \UD@KeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{#2}{ }%
    \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#2}{% We have K>L:
      \UD@KeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{#4}{ }{}%
    }{% We don't know yet whether K<=L or K>L, thus remove letters m and 
      % do another iteration:
%% \UD@KeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{<N letters m>}%
%%                                        {<argument 1>}%
%%                                        {<argument 2>}%
%%                                        <sequence of consecutive 
%%                                         undelimited arguments>
%% Removes the first N undelimited arguments from the <sequence of 
%% consecutive undelimited arguments>, then inserts  
%% <argument 1><argument 2>
%% On the one hand when providing <argument 2> empty, you can use 
%% <argument 1> for nesting calls to \UD@KeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments.
%% On the other hand you can provide a <space token> for stopping
%% \romannumeral-expansion as  <argument 1> and have the
%% macro grab the <K-th undelimited argument> from the <sequence of L 
%% consecutive undelimited arguments> as <argument 2>.
  %% #1: <N letters m>  
  %% #2: <Argument 1>   
  %% #3: <Argument 2>
%% End of code for \KeepKthOfLArguments.


  \string\KeepKthOfLArguments\allowbreak\{1\}\allowbreak\{30\}\allowbreak\{Word 1\}\allowbreak\{Word 2\}%
  \allowbreak\{Word 3\}\allowbreak\{Word 4\}\allowbreak\{Word 5\}\allowbreak\{Word 6\}\allowbreak\{Word 7\}%
  \allowbreak\{Word 8\}\allowbreak\{Word 9\}\allowbreak\{Word 10\}\allowbreak\{Word 11\}\allowbreak\{Word 12\}%
  \allowbreak\{Word 13\}\allowbreak\{Word 14\}\allowbreak\{Word 15\}\allowbreak\{Word 16\}\allowbreak\{Word 17\}%
  \allowbreak\{Word 18\}\allowbreak\{Word 19\}\allowbreak\{Word 20\}\allowbreak\{Word 21\}\allowbreak\{Word 22\}%
  \allowbreak\{Word 23\}\allowbreak\{Word 24\}\allowbreak\{Word 25\}\allowbreak\{Word 26\}\allowbreak\{Word 27\}%
  \allowbreak\{Word 28\}\allowbreak\{Word 29\}\allowbreak\{Word 30\}%
} yields:
\KeepKthOfLArguments{1}{30}{Word 1}{Word 2}{Word 3}{Word 4}{Word 5}{Word 6}%
                           {Word 7}{Word 8}{Word 9}{Word 10}{Word 11}{Word 12}%
                           {Word 13}{Word 14}{Word 15}{Word 16}{Word 17}{Word 18}%
                           {Word 19}{Word 20}{Word 21}{Word 22}{Word 23}{Word 24}%
                           {Word 25}{Word 26}{Word 27}{Word 28}{Word 29}{Word 30}%

\loopcnt=2 %
    \string\KeepKthOfLArguments\allowbreak\{\number\loopcnt\}\allowbreak\{30\}\allowbreak\{Word 1\}\allowbreak\{Word 2\}%
    \allowbreak\{Word 3\}\allowbreak\{Word 4\}\allowbreak\{Word 5\}\allowbreak\{Word 6\}\allowbreak\{Word 7\}%
    \allowbreak\{Word 8\}\allowbreak\{Word 9\}\allowbreak\{Word 10\}\allowbreak\{Word 11\}\allowbreak\{Word 12\}%
    \allowbreak\{Word 13\}\allowbreak\{Word 14\}\allowbreak\{Word 15\}\allowbreak\{Word 16\}\allowbreak\{Word 17\}%
    \allowbreak\{Word 18\}\allowbreak\{Word 19\}\allowbreak\{Word 20\}\allowbreak\{Word 21\}\allowbreak\{Word 22\}%
    \allowbreak\{Word 23\}\allowbreak\{Word 24\}\allowbreak\{Word 25\}\allowbreak\{Word 26\}\allowbreak\{Word 27\}%
    \allowbreak\{Word 28\}\allowbreak\{Word 29\}\allowbreak\{Word 30\}%
  } yields:
  \KeepKthOfLArguments{\number\loopcnt}{30}{Word 1}{Word 2}{Word 3}{Word 4}{Word 5}{Word 6}%
                             {Word 7}{Word 8}{Word 9}{Word 10}{Word 11}{Word 12}%
                             {Word 13}{Word 14}{Word 15}{Word 16}{Word 17}{Word 18}%
                             {Word 19}{Word 20}{Word 21}{Word 22}{Word 23}{Word 24}%
                             {Word 25}{Word 26}{Word 27}{Word 28}{Word 29}{Word 30}%
\ifnum\loopcnt<30 \advance\loopcnt by 1 %

\noindent\verb|\KeepKthOfLArguments| does deliver the result after two


\noindent\texttt{\string\test: \meaning\test}%





