模板,如何生成 AMA 引用?我ama.bst
在论文工作目录中添加了参考书目样式。使用 MikTeX2.9:
\title{ \textbf{All the Cats}}
\section*{Citing cats author}
All the cats in the world as eloquently explained in reference \cite{Cat19}.
This should have printed as [1]!\\
In References, the citation should appear as: \textbf{Catty CT, Katin KK,
and Kitty MM. An amazing account of cats around the world.}\textit{ J. Cats.
Life} \textbf{2019; 19:290-299.}
author = "Catty, CT and Katin, KK and Kitty, MM",
title = "An amazing Account of cats around the world",
year = "2019",
journal = "J {C}ats {L}ife",
volume = "19",
number = "9",
pages = "290--299"
使用 pdfLatex+MakeIndex+Bibtex 进行编译时,latex 挂起:
! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year citations.[![enter image description here][1]][1]