

我正在用我的 Ditto Mark Macro 制作一些花卉图案(见Tikz:使用乳胶长度作为路径的长度(同上标记))。即对笔触使用可变粗细。下面将其实现为带星号的宏版本。

然而,当我尝试使用可变厚度的笔触时,虽然生成的路径看起来很好,但Dimension too large单个笔触却出现了 35 个错误...\ditto*






    start stroke width/.store in = \startstrokewidth,
    end stroke width/.store in   = \endstrokewidth,
    pen stroke/.style args={#1,#2}{
            variable stroke width,
            start stroke width=#1,
            end stroke width=#2,

\pgfdeclaredecoration{variable stroke width}{initial}{%
    % modified version of:
    % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/14283/stroke-with-variable-thickness
    \state{initial}[width=0pt, next state=line, persistent precomputation={%
    \state{line}[width=\startstrokewidth, persistent postcomputation={%

\NewDocumentCommand\ditto{ s O{2ex} m }{%
    % #1 = starred means use pen stroke, unstarred use regular line
    % #2 = minimum width
    % #3 = string to use for calculating width
    \dto@x = \ifdim#2<\dto@x\the\dto@x\else\the\dimexpr#2\relax\fi% whichever is widest of #2 and #3
    \divide\dto@x by 4% sine wave has 4 points
    \dto@y = .0675ex% .125ex%
    \dto@spc = .5pt% ditto mark sizing
        \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% starred
            \draw[pen stroke={.4pt,.35pt}] (0,0) sin (1\dto@x, \dto@y) cos (2\dto@x, 0) sin (3\dto@x, -\dto@y) cos (4\dto@x, 0);
        }{% unstarred
            \draw (0,0) sin (1\dto@x, \dto@y) cos (2\dto@x, 0) sin (3\dto@x, -\dto@y) cos (4\dto@x, 0);
        \draw[xshift=-.2ex, pen stroke={.4pt,.35pt}] (2\dto@x + .25pt, 3\dto@y) -- (2\dto@x - .25pt, -3\dto@y);
        \draw[xshift=.2ex, pen stroke={.4pt,.35pt}] (2\dto@x + .25pt, 3\dto@y) -- (2\dto@x - .25pt, -3\dto@y);



blah blah Test blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Test} blah blah\\     % throws 'Dimension too large' several times, but looks great in doc?!
blah blah Testing testing blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Testing testing} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*[10em]{} blah blah\\









    start stroke width/.store in = \startstrokewidth,
    end stroke width/.store in   = \endstrokewidth,
    pen stroke/.style args={#1,#2}{
            variable stroke width,
            start stroke width=#1,
            end stroke width=#2,

\pgfdeclaredecoration{variable stroke width}{initial}{%
    % modified version of:
    % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/14283/stroke-with-variable-thickness
    \state{initial}[width=0pt, next state=line, persistent precomputation={%
    \state{line}[width=\startstrokewidth, persistent postcomputation={%

\NewDocumentCommand\ditto{ s O{2ex} m }{%
    % #1 = starred means use pen stroke, unstarred use regular line
    % #2 = minimum width
    % #3 = string to use for calculating width
    \dto@x = \ifdim#2<\dto@x\the\dto@x\else\the\dimexpr#2\relax\fi% whichever is widest of #2 and #3
    \divide\dto@x by 4% sine wave has 4 points
    \dto@y = .0675ex% .125ex%
    \dto@spc = .5pt% ditto mark sizing
        \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% starred
            \draw[pen stroke={.4pt,.35pt}] (0,0) sin (1\dto@x, \dto@y) cos (2\dto@x, 0) sin (3\dto@x, -\dto@y) cos (4\dto@x, 0);
        }{% unstarred
            \draw (0,0) sin (1\dto@x, \dto@y) cos (2\dto@x, 0) sin (3\dto@x, -\dto@y) cos (4\dto@x, 0);
        \draw[xshift=-.2ex, pen stroke={.4pt,.35pt}] (2\dto@x + .25pt, 3\dto@y) -- (2\dto@x - .25pt, -3\dto@y);
        \draw[xshift=.2ex, pen stroke={.4pt,.35pt}] (2\dto@x + .25pt, 3\dto@y) -- (2\dto@x - .25pt, -3\dto@y);

%\pgfmath@tmp %
  \pgfmath@returnone\tkzFPMathLen pt%


blah blah Test blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto*{Test} blah blah\\     % throws 'Dimension too large' several times, but looks great in doc?!
blah blah Testing testing blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{Testing testing} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto{} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*{} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Test} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*[10em]{Testing testing} blah blah\\
blah blah \ditto[10em]{} blah blah\\
%blah blah \ditto*[10em]{} blah blah\\



Loop Space 的另一个修改

  % We use a scaling factor to reduce errors.
  % First, see if we should scale down
  % Not scaling down, should we scale up?
  % Use A+x^2*(B+x^2*(C+x^2*(D+E*x^2)))
  % where
  % A = +1.000012594
  % B = +0.4993615349
  % C = -0.1195159052
  % D = +0.04453994279
  % E = -0.01019210944
  \[email protected]\pgfmath@xa%
  \advance\[email protected]\relax%
  \advance\[email protected]\relax%
  \advance\[email protected]\relax%
  \advance\[email protected]\relax%
  % Invert the scaling factor.
