如何调整 BibLaTeX APA 样式以根据 APA 样式正确格式化报纸或网站参考文献

如何调整 BibLaTeX APA 样式以根据 APA 样式正确格式化报纸或网站参考文献

我正在使用 BibLaTeX APA 格式引用并生成大学作业的参考书目。但是,我发现报纸和网站在参考书目中的显示方式与APA 网站参考资料APA 报纸参考文献


\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % Required to generate language-dependent quotes in the bibliography
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{bib_test_lib.bib} % The filename of the bibliography

Add citations for bibliography to appear \parencite{thomasWhyDidAirbus2019, wallHowAirbusA3802019}.

Also over-rode addinfo2 macro to stop [newspaper], [magazine] etc. being appended to the title field - \textbackslash renewbibmacro*{addinfo2}\{\}.

Should be (with incorrect indentations):
\section*{References should be}
\noindent Thomas, D. (2019, February 14). Why did the Airbus A380 fail? \emph{BBC News.} https:/\slash www.bbc.com\slash news\slash business-47225789

\noindent Wall, R., \& Michaels, D. (2019, February 19). How Airbus’s A380 Went From Wonder to Blunder; World’s largest passenger plane was hurt by misjudged market trends, internal dysfunction and production problems. \emph{Wall Street Journal (Online)}.



  title = {Why Did the {{Airbus A380}} Fail?},
  author = {Thomas, Daniel},
  date = {2019-02-14},
  journaltitle = {BBC News},
  url = {https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47225789},
  urldate = {2020-08-20},
  abstract = {It was billed as the future of air travel, but airlines increasingly saw the jet as too big and inefficient.},
  entrysubtype = {newspaper},
  file = {D\:\\Users\\Michael\\Zotero\\storage\\R3NSWI6X\\business-47225789.html},
  journalsubtitle = {Business},
  langid = {british}

  title = {How {{Airbus}}'s {{A380 Went From Wonder}} to {{Blunder}}; {{World}}'s Largest Passenger Plane Was Hurt by Misjudged Market Trends, Internal Dysfunction and Production Problems},
  author = {Wall, Robert and Michaels, Daniel},
  date = {2019-02-19},
  journaltitle = {Wall Street Journal (Online)},
  file = {D\:\\Users\\Michael\\Zotero\\storage\\BEVIACL9\\18.html}


Thomas, D. (2019).空客 A380 为何失败?BBC 新闻:商业。2020 年 8 月 20 日检索自https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47225789

Wall, R., & Michaels, D.(2019 年 2 月 19 日)。空中客车 A380 如何从奇迹走向失败;世界上最大的客机因对市场趋势的判断错误、内部功能障碍和生产问题而受到影响。


Thomas, D. (2019 年 2 月 14 日)。空客 A380 为何失败?英国广播公司的新闻。 https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47225789

Wall, R., & Michaels, D. (2019 年 2 月 19 日)。空客 A380 如何从奇迹走向失败;世界上最大的客机因误判市场趋势、内部功能障碍和生产问题而受损。华尔街日报(在线)。



我正在使用 Windows 10、MiKTeX Console 4.01、TeXstudio 2.12.22,并在提出问题之前于 20 年 8 月 21 日更新了所有软件包。

PS 这是否值得在 CTAN 上报告问题,因为 APA 样式包与其网站上的 APA 样式示例不匹配?


作为乌尔丽克·菲舍尔在评论中,软件包中的错误应报告给作者/开发者/维护者,而不是 CTAN。通常 CTAN 页面或文档会告诉您在哪里报告错误。biblatex-apa报告错误的最佳方式是通过https://github.com/plk/biblatex-apa/issues

如果biblatex-apa偏离 APA 要求,则应视为错误并进行报告。

和 Ulrike 一样,我不太明白为什么wallHowAirbusA3802019会有这样的@online条目。首先,它出现在一个在线新闻媒体上,与英国广播公司的新闻(为此您使用了@article,这更合适)其次,所讨论的条目甚至没有字段url。 (我想说一般来说,@online条目至少应该有一个urldoieprint字段。)


正如所讨论的引用在线报纸时在参考书目中显示日期(APA)https://github.com/plk/biblatex-apa/issues/116目前,提供非学术报纸/期刊参考的最佳方式是添加关键字nonacademic这将在未来版本中发生变化biblatex-apa:然后您可以使用更自然的entrysubtype = {nonacademic},代替keywords = {nonacademic},

对于 URL 访问日期,APA 手册说https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/elements-list-entry#retrieval


仅当作品未存档且设计为随时间变化时才包含检索日期。大多数参考文献未包含检索日期。出版手册第 10 章和参考文献示例页面中提供了一些包含检索日期的示例。

这似乎不是一个可以自动化的标准,所以目前的立场是,如果存在则biblatex-apa打印,如果根据 APA 规则不合适则要求文件的作者删除。urldate.biburldate


\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}


    {\ifboolexpr{not togl {apa:showurldate} or test {\iffieldundef{urlyear}}}

  title           = {Why Did the {Airbus A380} Fail?},
  author          = {Thomas, Daniel},
  date            = {2019-02-14},
  journaltitle    = {BBC News},
  url             = {https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47225789},
  urldate         = {2020-08-20},
  abstract        = {It was billed as the future of air travel,
                     but airlines increasingly saw the jet as too big and inefficient.},
  keywords        = {nonacademic},
  langid          = {british},
  title        = {How {Airbus's A380} Went From Wonder to Blunder;
                  World's Largest Passenger Plane Was Hurt by Misjudged Market Trends,
                  Internal Dysfunction and Production Problems},
  author       = {Wall, Robert and Michaels, Daniel},
  date         = {2019-02-19},
  journaltitle = {Wall Street Journal (Online)},
  keywords     = {nonacademic},
  author    = {{U.S. Census Bureau}},
  title     = {{U.S.} and world population clock},
  url       = {https://www.census.gov/popclock/},
  urldate   = {2020-01-09},
  options   = {apashowurldate},

Add citations for bibliography to appear
\autocite{thomasWhyDidAirbus2019, wallHowAirbusA3802019,popclock}.


Should be (with incorrect indentations):
\section*{References should be}
\noindent Thomas, D. (2019, February 14).
Why did the Airbus A380 fail? \emph{BBC News.}
https:/\slash www.bbc.com\slash news\slash business-47225789

\noindent Wall, R., \& Michaels, D. (2019, February 19).
How Airbus’s A380 Went From Wonder to Blunder;
World’s largest passenger plane was hurt by misjudged market trends,
internal dysfunction and production problems.
\emph{Wall Street Journal (Online)}.


美国人口普查局。(nd)。美国和世界人口时钟。检索日期:2020 年 1 月 9 日,来自 https://www.census.gov/popclock///Thomas, D.(2019 年 2 月 14 日)。空客 A380 为何失败?BBC 新闻。https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47225789//Wall, R., & Michaels, D.(2019 年 2 月 19 日)。空客 A380 如何从奇迹走向失败;世界上最大的客机因误判市场趋势、内部功能失调和生产问题而受损。华尔街日报(在线)。
