


    %Table packages
    \setlength{\rotFPtop}{0pt plus 1fil}
    \section{Sample Output}
In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.
\subsection{System architecture}\label{System architecture}
In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.% System Components
% table caption is above the table
\caption{Hardware components and specifications}
\label{tab:2}       % Give a unique label
% For LaTeX tables use
\thead{Component} &\thead{ Hardware\\specification} & \thead{Architecture\\application}\\
\textbf{Android Mobile} & Redmi 4A with Android 8.0, 2GB RAM, 16GB ROM & Client device for data acquisition  \\
\textbf{Processing and monitoring Unit} & Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB RAM on latest Raspbian OS (December 2020)   &  Main processing unit that runs all the algorithms.\\
\textbf{WiFi Router(Optional)} & Mi Band-3 high speed router with 70 Mbps Broadband connection & The communication hub for the architecture in indoor monitoring.\\
In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.
\caption{Basic operational diagram}
 \label{fig:block diagram1}
In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.
End to end workflow of the proposed fall detection and recovery system with warning message to caregiver and relative is shown in detail in Fig.\ref{fig:architecture}. The primary modules of the proposed system are described below.
  \item The \emph{Data acquisition module}, residing on the monitoring station, consists of a local storage and is responsible for collection of raw acceleration data from the smartphone sensor. It also stores them locally in addition to forwarding them live, to other modules.
  \item The \emph{Live fall detection module} is responsible for cleaning and analysing the data received from Data acquisition module using Signal Vector Magnitude to detect a possible fall.
  \item The \emph{GPS module} is responsible for mapping the address with the co-ordinates returned by the smartphone GPS. This module is invoked when a fall is detected or there is a fall and break of the device.
  \item The \emph{Integration module} is the coordinating module that is responsible for fetching the location from GPS module (in case the fall response is true from Live fall detection module) and generates the appropriate warning and SMS in addition to record the event locally. It also generates the warning and SMS (single or group) if there is a fall and break of the device.

\caption{Proposed architecture}
Fig.\ref{fig:architecture} In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status. The devices and their configuration are listed in Table 2.















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            \item The \emph{Data acquisition module}, residing on the monitoring station, consists of a local storage and is responsible for collection of raw acceleration data from the smartphone sensor. It also stores them locally in addition to forwarding them live, to other modules.
            \item The \emph{Live fall detection module} is responsible for cleaning and analysing the data received from Data acquisition module using Signal Vector Magnitude to detect a possible fall.
            \item The \emph{GPS module} is responsible for mapping the address with the co-ordinates returned by the smartphone GPS. This module is invoked when a fall is detected or there is a fall and break of the device.
            \item The \emph{Integration module} is the coordinating module that is responsible for fetching the location from GPS module (in case the fall response is true from Live fall detection module) and generates the appropriate warning and SMS in addition to record the event locally. It also generates the warning and SMS (single or group) if there is a fall and break of the device.

    \caption{Proposed architecture} \label{fig:architecture}

        Fig.\ref{fig:architecture} In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status.In this industrialized world many people live alone and people has to go outside to do their routine job. It is possible that while roaming outside they may face different health hazards. Sometimes they are not in a position to tell someone what they feel about their health or what happened with their health after coming back home. So they may be in critical condition in future for their ignorance regarding their health. HAMR plays an important role in human’s daily activities to indicate the human health status. The devices and their configuration are listed in Table 2.



我将提出一个解决方案,但您可能不会喜欢。该期刊有此类,很可能是为了更轻松地安排期刊中的不同文章而故意为之。如果您要提交论文,您不应期望文章在印刷期刊或最终 pdf 中看起来像您的草稿,就像在您的计算机上一样。这可能是出版商有意为之,也可能不是。我只是想指出,这样做可能有充分的理由。一般来说,数字是浮点数,它们确实像名称所暗示的那样浮动。您应该让它们这样做。如果您[ht]对超过 10% 的浮点数使用类似参数,则您可能做错了什么。


  1. 根据我的经验,最好的方法是详细地引用文本中的图表。写一到三句话来描述图中可以看到的内容。这可能对标题来说是多余的,但这不是坏事。它对读者有帮助。

  2. 使用varioref包。我经常使用组合in figure \vnumref{ABC} \vpageref{ABC} we see ...

  3. 如果您需要确保浮动元素不会浮动得太远,请使用 placeins 包中的 floatbarrier 命令。这样,您就可以定义浮动元素出现的范围。但不要限制太多。
