| Title (w/b) |
| Description |
| Item 1 (w/b) | Item 1 description. |
| Item 2 (w/b) | Item 2 description. |
| Item 3 (w/b) | Item 3 description. |
\usepackage{makecell, multirow, tabularx,booktabs,nicematrix}
\noindent\begin{NiceTabular*}{\columnwidth}{lc}[colortbl-like, code-before=\columncolor{gray}
\rowcolor{black}\thead{Title} & \thead{Description} \\
Item & {\parbox{10cm} {\raggedright Island Museum analyzes historical artifacts using one or more techniques described below – all but one of which is performed by an outside laboratory – to obtain specific information about an object’s creation. For each type of material listed, the museum uses only the technique described:}} \\